My pics

Been out of action for the last month or so, either due to work or other stuff,

Decided to go on a last minute trip to Iceland, been up from 6-7pm through till same time the next day, on nightshifts - it's one of the best places I've ever been in my life, it's incredible... Had a couple of good opportunities so far, only been here 2 days - go back Sunday, so still some time to go,

A couple from the last 2 days, loads more to process :p


The Iceberg beach down near the lagoon at Jökulsárlón - this is a fantastic location, I'm definitley coming back in winter when the sun sets out at sea,

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Wow. Only just come across this thread but the pictures are top draw! Especially loving the Dolomites and Iceland ones. I am going to Dorset in September so hoping to get to the Cobb myself! Any tips?
Thanks guys!

Wow. Only just come across this thread but the pictures are top draw! Especially loving the Dolomites and Iceland ones. I am going to Dorset in September so hoping to get to the Cobb myself! Any tips?


The Cobb is pretty simple to be honest, just plan the weather forecast to make sure you'll get some decent light - also use to check where the position of the sun will be, mine was taken around February - I think it makes a better winter shot than a summer shot, it also might be worse for people walking around on the pier in summer - but if you're shooting a sunrise at 4am in July, I imagine you'll be fine :p
Thanks! :)

Awesome work man.

Can I ask what you are doing to achieve this? Is it just the camera? Exposure time? Or are you processing them afterwards?

Most of the stuff I do is minimally processed, my workflow normally looks like this;

Import to capture one
LCC (Lens cast calibration and dust removal)
Colour temperature
Minor curve adjustments
Rotational/horizon correction/crop

I may add/subtract saturation or alter the colour balance slightly,

Most of the way I work revolves around fieldcraft - that is, knowing the weather, the location and trying to predict what the light will do - if I can line those three things up then I'll usually come away with something decent, I usually scout out locations before shooting them. For example, in the above iceberg photographs - I know that the Icebergs are only present on the beach after low tide, combined with the clear sky and the sun setting on the opposite horizon - experience tells me the sky will go pink/purple. There were about 80 photographers on the other side of the lagoon waiting for a sunset that didn't happen, whereas I was alone on that beach with the icebergs for around an hour before they all came flocking over at 100mph to wreck everything :D but thankfully I'd filled a card by then!

In those circumstances, if you can line all the elements up together - any old camera will take amazing photographs, it's all about being in the right place at the right time.

From a technical perspective, the above iceberg shots were pretty simple, ISO 50, F11, 1 second exposure - waiting for each wash of the waves to try and align the chunks of ice in a way that looks nice, lots of fun - I also like to listen to music, Vangelis's bladerunner theme usually puts me in the correct mood for shooting such locations :p
Do you do professional work or is this purely a hobby? The travel costs must be huge!

Just a hobby, purely for myself -

And yeah it is expensive, but I see it as money well spent - it gets me all over the place and I feel I come away with things worth keeping and a sense of accomplishment (sometimes!) I don't have kids or any dependants, so I usually go places at the drop of a hat - the Iceland trip I booked with 3 days notice, it's pretty cool to just go somewhere at short notice.
Just a hobby, purely for myself -

And yeah it is expensive, but I see it as money well spent - it gets me all over the place and I feel I come away with things worth keeping and a sense of accomplishment (sometimes!) I don't have kids or any dependants, so I usually go places at the drop of a hat - the Iceland trip I booked with 3 days notice, it's pretty cool to just go somewhere at short notice.

This pretty much convinced me now to take my Canon instead of the Fuji to Japan later this year. (I would go there at the drop of a hat, but I need to plan Japan...)
Great photos, Iceland is such a fantastic place to visit you are never stuck for something beautiful to photograph and if you go in the winter the golden hour last half the day and if your lucky the northern lights appear at dinner time!
Thanks for the kind comments guys,

Was bored last night, so went down to Studland near poole to Old Harry rocks, took my little 1-man tent and camped on the cliffs until about 4am, was a nice morning,

2 shot stitch, 10mm movement either side

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