My sense of reality has been lost..

The RX8 is absolutely fantastic on the inside? What gives you that opinion, what is wrong with the interior? This isnt because i actually own one, but becasue i couldnt genuinely state that it has a bad interior?
Morthoseth said:
Get an RX8 - Amazing car for the money, i'm 20 and i pay around £1500 to insure it fully comp.

0-60 6.2s
It has four doors and seats four people comfortably, which is an added bonus
Amazing around corners
looks fantastic

Rubbish Fuel ecomomy but other than that I concur!
Morthoseth said:
The RX8 is absolutely fantastic on the inside? What gives you that opinion, what is wrong with the interior? This isnt because i actually own one, but becasue i couldnt genuinely state that it has a bad interior?

It looks nice but all the plastics etc etc are cheap and flimsey to the touch. Which like I said spoils an otherwise excellent looking car.

Well that and the fact it seriously fails on the fuel economy : performance ratio.
I had my Supra at 21 and paying nigh on £3k insurance was the silliest thing I've ever done. I regret it to this day.
I got the fathers stern word this morning for looking at the z4's again. He was talking about company insurance, and how he would consider putting me on it if i work hard in my current position for a year or two and dont do anything daft with my savings.
andy@moFo said:
I got the fathers stern word this morning for looking at the z4's again. He was talking about company insurance, and how he would consider putting me on it if i work hard in my current position for a year or two and dont do anything daft with my savings.

Go for something cheap and cheerful for a few years to bring down the insurance quote and give you more time to save and think about it.

I know everyone would recommend their own cars but how about a MX5? Plenty around, reliable, cheap (compared to a Z4!) and they've still got fantastic handling and the roof goes down to get you grinning. I've also insured mine at 19 for under £1k in my own name. It won't set the tarmac on fire performance wise but they're not slow and plenty fast enough to enjoy.

Oh and ironically I used to drive a 1.4 Focus as well! It felt like a massive step up.
at your age all you want to do is go faster but it's not worth leaving yourself pittance to live on/play missus has just bought a Z4 but she's earning circa 50k so finance isn't an issue.

get yourself something cheap, fast and fun. You'll suddenly find that you're 25 earning substantially more than 19k, insurance is reasonable and finance isn't an issue anymore.

or wait a year and get your old boy to put you on the company insurance :D
Tried Admiral/Bell?

When I'm 21 I can insure a Z4 for ~£800. (I'll have 4 years NCB, though... touch wood anyway).

Not long left till I'm 21 then I'll be getting a 2 seater roadster. :D

S2000/Boxster/Z4 hopefully.
Morthoseth said:
Get an RX8 - Amazing car for the money, i'm 20 and i pay around £1500 to insure it fully comp.

Amazing car? They are not that fast, they burn as much fuel as an M5, the engine's feel is very subjective - i hated it, and the interior is made from used wheeliebins.

Plenty of much better cars for the same outlay.
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