I love my bright green 750ml Super Sparrow from Amazon. MrsHB Got me it. Hot and cold, had it a couple of years now.
You don't want to leave a tea bag in there all day though. It'll get better
Wat wat wat
1 tea bag
Hot water
Add all to flask screw lid job done
You are liar, sir! I find 4 minutes gives the best brew.Changed it for truth
oh dont
mine was reading the m1 as being a river cos its blue on the map
OP who is rad as heck said:i have more flasks coming as well so i will wait for them to be delivered to my door.
That makes me sad. That’s not tea!
Whats that cloudy liquid at the bottom?
This is how you reel us in
The phrase "money doesn't buy taste" has never been more aptIn the south we can afford milk
I believe that’s called a thermometerI know i just couldn't wait, in the mean time it will come in a few days, i will get a device to test the water temperature from start and then every 6 hours until 24 hours.
Will edit the first post.
The phrase "money doesn't buy taste" has never been more apt
What you really want is a Funranium Labs Stein of Science!
Made from scientific dewars (newones)
i have more flasks coming as well so i will wait for them to be delivered to my door.
Does your postman delivery the Thermos when it been snowing?
This is how you reel us in
Thank you for the contribution, but they are based in the usa and out of stock with the 1 litre model, seems to be the dogs ******** i really would buy one despite being very expensive just to test it.
What you really want is a Funranium Labs Stein of Science!
Made from scientific dewars (newones)
test also include how tough they are?
surviving being dropped etc
though nowadays they probably dont have glass in them
but even so a bit of every day life abuse to see how they cope may be of interest