My TX4 London Black Taxi Project

Where do you keep the car insured and registered? Keep a house in the UK or family house i guess?

One thing which springs to mind is that the insurance probably wouldnt stand up too well in the event of a proper accident, you'd need to lie and say resident at that address wouldnt you?

(Not preaching! Curious :))

Edit: BTW enjoying the taxi updates!

In my case I kept it registered at my parents address. If you had no UK address it would be pretty complicated I reckon. Regardless, in the event of an accident, you’d have to lie and say you were on an extended holiday. Plenty of friends claimed for minor accidents and had no issues, and I’ve never heard of anyone being asked for proof of entry / exit. There’s also insurers like Stuart Collins who offer year round EU cover for UK registered cars, or at least they used to, which would solve that issue.

I suspect a lot of people don’t think about the worst case scenario - I did, and was happy to accept the risk. Here for example I have one of the best insurance policies you can get, but it only covers me up to 1 million USD in the US in the event of an accident. It’s a risk I’m personally happy to accept, but it definitely makes me drive a bit more carefully over the border as 1 million wouldn’t go that far in the event of a major accident.
I'd just say I was on a realllllly long fare :cry::cry:

Have been cracking on today with some more bits. That ******* seat wouldn't come out so my friend the angle grinder came to play. All good!


Hoovered it all out. Those plates are actually covering mounting points for the car but it's all solid and then I carpeted over it all.

I also was unsure what to do with the door cards and didn't want to leave them as they were as they were awful, so I did a bit of carpet and suede. Think they look ace!
Excuse the fluff and bits, need to burn it off as my stanley knife was losing sharpness.
Also did the horn in that vinyl suede! Looks amazing. Think I'm starting to finally get the hang of it and the heat gun and how far I can take it... shame it took me so damn long lol :p


Passenger side all back together. I've even got the door trim on now too, cleaned all the door shuts and so aside from new speakers (which I haven't ordered, it's all back together passenger side... ah, other than the back partition panel.

I have some new black screws and black push fittings as well, so I can get rid of the rusty headed ones and the old brittle grey push on fixings when putting the rest back together.

Need to clean up that door shut and the seat bracket/ seat. I'll, for now anyway, use my fabric vacuum/ cleaner thing on it. It's letting the rest down but it won't stay. They did recaro front seat for them, which I've found on eBay for 150 and then I was going to get our friend who does seamstress stuff, to trim both the front and rear seats up. I think this seat material on the doors in the middles and faux leather/ vinyl for the outer parts. Same sort of colour combo as the doors.

I am also going to get our friend to help me with the headlining. I'm really not happy with the job I did on the front one. Too many creases and think it needs to be redone. Then the rear one as well, which I also have a starlight headlining kit for :cry::cry::cry::D I would argue this is not an A45 Merc, so it's OK for the back of the taxi! I'm going to be RGBing the back up as well so you know!

As I have to get it functional for the weekend, main thing for that tomorrow is:

- Carpet the rear (was going to wait but need to do that to see what I have left and if I have enough for this partition panel)
- Partition panel cover in carpet the refit it.
- Clean drivers seat, inc. railings and fit back.
- Take off Taxi sign while headlining is out and paint black

I still need to get the B pillar off the passenger side, which involves removing the plexiglass barrier, or at least loosening it right off, and the bolts are tight as you like, so that will be WD40'd tonight to see if it helps.

I'd like to paint the dash, but the bed lining spray didn't show up today and not a clue where it is. Says modify the delivery but there is no button for me to do it!? Annoying! As soon as I have that painted, all the trim can go back in.

I painted up the trim and finished that off today, too:


I have done this, and the section that covers the clocks/speedo all like this and the cowling for the steering wheel. With new black screws and all cleaned up it should look so much nicer. Dash is easy to get in, I just need this bloody paint!!

If it does arrive, I'll try and get it all assembled, centre console all painted and back in, too and even the A and B pillars back in. In fact, other than the headlining, which I'll hold off on until maybe friday if my mate has time, it should be pretty much sorted up front at least... famous last words.

It's been a fun few days anyway. I'm pleased with how it's coming on.
Got most things out the way today. Just need to put back together some interior clips that are coming later today to replace the brittle ones. Only thing I didn't add back in was the headlining as I'll definitely redo it. Not at all happy and it'll let it all down.

The bed liner was great stuff, but 2 cans just did the dash and centre console, that's it! Worth it though, it's great.


Started to go back together. Those side kick plates aren't screwed in yet, too. I have new screws but I've also ordered some nice thin rubber trim for the edges to make it look and fit neater around the dash. Then it can all get screwed back in. I have new black screws which make a massive difference as well.

Then I cracked on with getting it all done really. Everything back in.


and then...


Door trim done. Seat cleaned but still will be replaced eventually, or retrimmed. A pillars in. Centre console all in. Everything all done apart from:

- Headunit (will do tomorrow)
- Rubber trim on kick plates
- New pedal rubbers (need to order)
- Switches in centre console
- Rewire horn
- New door speakers (need to order)

Otherwise, I think the cabin area is pretty much sorted! I'm super pleased for the cost and time it took me. It's like a different car in there!

Oh, while I was at it, too, I got the new headlights fitted. What a bitch the passenger side is. Battery out and an angled 10mm needed or you'd never get on the bit. Either way, sooo much nicer! Also painted the Taxi sign on the roof as it was still in primer grey, now it's nice and black too.


Both on now, but got rained off. Tomorrow if I have time I'll get on to the new rear lights, finishing the little odds and ends I didn't manage to today, and maybe even the rear carpet. Main thing was having it back together for this Saturday to give a lift to some friends, so from that point of view so far, job done.
Head unit arrived. I should have known for 35eur it would be utter trash, but I didn't want many features, simply bluetooth really. It comes with different instructions to the model. It has a reverse camera, but keeps jumping modes as you're going along from camera to BT etc. there is no settings button on it at all, which is weird. The whole thing, even for 30quid is rubbish lol I should have just stuck to the makes I know are good :P

I did get some Focal 13cm components for the front doors though and installed them. Man it sounds so much better in there it's crazy the difference. Will swap out the old unit for this one and look at getting something else. I just want bloody bluetooth! I got a 40eur off voucher buying the focal speakers at the local auto shop, so I'll go back tomorrow and get a new one. Thinking about it, I'd love DAB (but would need the antenna), BT (with spotify control), mic for phone calls and a rear USB so I can hard route a cable to the inside of the compartment for ease of charging. I'll see what there is tomorrow. Choice of about 6 and so no idea what they'll be like!

Rear lights installed but need some more 8mm nuts as they didn't have any. I think a bulb is out on the front indicator, as it's still flashing fast on the right. I'll go have a look in a bit. Want to clear the error light!

About to pop out after this coffee and stick down the tweeters. Hard wire them in. refit the trim back. Test out the old head unit and see if that works (just to make sure before send new one back). Stick in some trim fixings... should be good!

I got some universal front mats too, which fit like a dream and look like they're meant for it. Which is nice. Save my carpet. Also managed to fix the drivers door card and stop it hitting the door edge. All buttons are back in and working now too.

Very close, other than the headlining and front seat, to having it all complete up there. I would like to add some more switched lives, so I can add some USB/power panels in the back, so think I'll route those from the front to the rear while I'm there.

This is the seat I'm looking at. 150, exc. delivery and then I'd get it trimmed. So It can wait for now but it'd finish it off nicely. Suede centre and vinyl outer!

Right, better go finish off stuff before school pick up

Everything back in. Speakers in. All sorted! Head unit coming today, even though the ebay seller is telling me he can help me fix it all... I am not sure :cry: it's just ****.

Anyway, here's how it is looking so far with all back together (aside from last couple of trim pieces) with the mats in!



I started on the rear because I'm impatient...





I've routed some speaker cables back to the rear as none was there. I am going to mount some in the rear quarters.

Added to my eBay basket is:

- 6m of black vinyl for seats
- MDF speaker rounds to help mount new speakers
- More carpet for the rear quarters and door cards
- more raptor spray for the partition this side and seat bottoms
- RGB, standard
- USB/ Power panel to wire into the partition
- Some sound deadening for the back of the quarters

Then it's a case of pulling out the seats and panels and getting them all done. Won't be doing the back this month as I have a lot on and going on holiday end of the month, so can wait until next month but it's coming along. I think it'll be really nice when it's complete. Well, a hell of a lot nicer than it was and hopefully the oil arrives soon so I can change that out as well.

Then to look at ordering a couple of new sills for it and get them welded on... still cheaper than fixing my RR sport and way more enjoyable.

Not sure if I took this picture with my hand or the phone itself tbh but it's in now and works! Wired the microphone and have a DAB ariel in my basket too for next time. All good.
Got a 40quid off voucher for the car place again, so might use it tomorrow for the rear speakers. No spend amount needed, just 40quid off! Job done!

Tidied all the trim and everything so other than a wipedown with some alcohol on the switches, front is ready for action.

I really need to know how to get these rear seats out... I can't work it out?!

@Jean-F did you ever remove the rear seats? The back part of the bench? I cannot for the life of me work out how to get them off.

Not sure if I took this picture with my hand or the phone itself tbh but it's in now and works! Wired the microphone and have a DAB ariel in my basket too for next time. All good.
Got a 40quid off voucher for the car place again, so might use it tomorrow for the rear speakers. No spend amount needed, just 40quid off! Job done!

Tidied all the trim and everything so other than a wipedown with some alcohol on the switches, front is ready for action.

I really need to know how to get these rear seats out... I can't work it out?!

@Jean-F did you ever remove the rear seats? The back part of the bench? I cannot for the life of me work out how to get them off.

Your one, SF10 reg as far as I know is a 2010 registration, maybe they have been reconfigured, but the last one that I bought and worked from brand new had an S plate, S279, this was manufactured in 1998, but had been standing in the dealer’s showroom for a year when I bought it in 1999.
To accept an S plate when T plates were coming out, I got it at a reduced price, plus the first year’s scheduled servicing free.
In order to remove the back seat, which I did on occasion to check for coins etc., I knelt facing the bench seat, put my hands underneath and lifted it up and toward me, doing this in reverse to replace it, pushing forward and down until I felt and heard a click as it seated into the retaining bracket.
The Eastern European guys in the hand washes that I used all did this too, hoping to find pound coins.
It was the same method to remove the back seat on my penultimate Black Cab, reg # N709, in this one I once found a £5 note, and a U.S. $20 bill.
ETA, I noticed the stick shift on your cab, each to his own, and it no doubt won’t matter to you in La République Française, but I would no more consider working a manual in London, than I would consider driving with my eyes shut!
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In order to remove the back seat, which I did on occasion to check for coins etc., I knelt facing the bench seat, put my hands underneath and lifted it up and toward me, doing this in reverse to replace it, pushing forward and down until I felt and heard a click as it seated into the retaining bracket.
You legend! I'll give this a try when I'm out there next. It seems to keep me from accessing all the trim, so need to get it out! Especially when I'll be trimming them as well.

ETA, I noticed the stick shift on your cab, each to his own, and it no doubt won’t matter to you in La République Française, but I would no more consider working a manual in London, than I would consider driving with my eyes shut!
Ha, yes! I don't mind the manual. It's such a short ratio that you're in 5th before you realise it. Luckily I shouldn't be doing too much about town, so shouldn't be too bad anyway.

Thank you for the info, that's really a massive help. Not much online!
For the head unit, might be worth getting a cheap used one from a decent brand as it'll probably work way better than a new Chinese one. I got an old Sony one for my truck for less than £10, and a couple of old Sony speakers for about the same money and it sounds really good, particularly compared to some of the standard system you get in some modern cars.
Swapped it out for the new pioneer one now and it works a treat. I picked up some 13cm pioneer coax speakers for the rear as well the other day. Got 40quid off, so only cost me 20! Will make it nice all round now as at the moment it's great up front, but nothing for the passengers :P

Had my friend over tonight and asked about the seat trimming, she's up for it, so will get those seats out now and start that all rolling! I can't wait to see it all done with the new covers and all the little things. I think I'm going to tint the rear windows as well, just so it gives a bit more privacy for traveling. Will add it to the list once I've done all the rest of the stuff.
Had my friend over tonight and asked about the seat trimming, she's up for it,
Quick moves :p:D:cool:
I think I'm going to tint the rear windows as well, just so it gives a bit more privacy for traveling. Will add it to the list once I've done all the rest of the stuff.
Trust me your address so I can send you some FakeTaxi decals; because that's what it sounds like you're going for :eek::o
Drivers side rear door done and in.


Note the big sill hole that will be replaced next on the list. As soon as it arrives anyway.


rears all out and panels ready to be covered and holes drilled for switches and speakers and such stuff.
I got a couple of things through, and the carpet arrived for the rear quarters, so figured I'd get the rear speakers in and the USB sockets so I could cover the rear quarters. I cracked on with the fitting of these bits on one side. Broke my dremel motor but got the holes and fitted them. One side anyway. Then was about to fit the carpet, sprayed the glue and opened the carpet...

They sent me the wrong damn colour carpet!! Now I have to deal with the returns of an amazon seller... great. Will see how that goes... I can't even use this colour anywhere either!


Anyway at least this is ready. I can do the other side to the same part and wait for the sound deadening on the backside and see when the replacement carpet comes. Wanted to make the most of my lunch break and so frustrating I couldn't finish it but hey. I'll crack on with the other one tonight and then at least can wire up the speakers to the head unit and test it all out.

Plus point, I got the 30quid refund for the chinese head unit so that's a bonus!
New carpet is on the way. Give it a few days to arrive.

Both speakers now in, with test fitted LEDs behind and sockets each side and MDF rings for some better noise isolation. Just need to wire up the strips with solder to the wires going into the front power now and add the noise deadening / sound deadening sheet when it arrives, cover them and they'll be able to go back in again.



Busy week, but hoping to get the headlining out to look at that big job and also then get all the wiring routed to the front and hooked up, so I don't have to get that all back out again!
Man this took me far too long and I know it'll be marmite, but it's supposed to be fun. It's not an A45 AMG, but it does have a starlight headlining now :D

rear quarters and speakers going back in and being wired up. Hopefully soon be able to test the speakers out and have them wired in up front on the head unit too.
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