*****My WOT4 MK2 Nitro RC Plane Assembly Log****

Ok So I may be taking the micky a bit (because frankly the OP deserves it:p) but why is the poster above doing it behind a presumably second account?

I'm actually genuinely interested to know how he's getting on as well.
Well so far the ST Model Discovery Electric has had two flights, one rather abrupt flight which came down, although this tested durability, and I am pleased to say that I am very shocked at how durable the model is! Came down with a thud but the only thing it done was broke the prop, which is £2.99 to replace.

Second flight I had it going for around 6 or so minutes, and came down ok slight bump as it came in to land but no dramatics. I am not sure why or what happened but it seems that I have lost a screw from part of the bottom of the fuselage which is quite an important screw as it holds some of the rear structure of the plane in place. I am finding it difficult to find a replacement which will actually fit, all the screws I am trying are either to small and fall out, or too big and get lodged in forcing me to take the rear of the model off and force it back through.

That was about 2 weeks ago, I have been rather busy the last few weekends but when I find this screw it will be back out, I will try and get someone to film me next time :)
6 or 7 mins flight time - great success!

What were you doing? circuits?

Pretty much yeh, I was doing short circuits as I wasnt sure if anything would jeopardise range, I nearly lost it a couple of times. The whole distance perspective thing.
Just to let the RC enthusiasts know, I have listed my copy of Phoenix RC Software for PC (Original box, Original CD and Original Link USB cable for Radio) in the MM.

Unfortunately I have had to make a bit of a sacrifice, I may be moving out soon so may have to start selling up, for now I am keeping the plane and radio :) however if I end up ditching this plane to beyond repair then its game over.

I have big priorities coming up
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I think it probably could be repaired with some balsa

Unfortunately ALL the clubs round by me are full with a big waiting list, so I am having to take it to a remote field which isnt really suited to flying, I might get a smaller electric one.

found a website with all the most of the spare parts for the wot 4 not expensive at all if u haven't fixed it yet u should give it a go.

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