*****My WOT4 MK2 Nitro RC Plane Assembly Log****

Bloody lost my instructions for the Irvine 53 engine, trying to find it, and looking on google for a PDF perhaps
Will re-tune the engine another day, anyway..

I have bonded the wings together :) Pics later when it sets


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Im going to be getting a hand held electric starter next :)

Seen a few on ebay so im going to wait for a bargain
I have an electric drill, anti-clockwise/clockwise setting, could this work? its not a power beast but can be used with screwdriver fittings, can drill through wood, plastic and I think thin metals with control over the speed. wonder what I can use as an adaptor.

Would feel abit silly taking a drill to a model club though when everyone is using electric starters,lol

I seen starters going for around £12 second hand on the bay, and IIRC my boss has an old UPS over our new building which I might open and see if there is any lead acid batterys inside to power it.

I wouldnt mind trying the drill idea though.
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Yep I was going to post today actually :)

Bit of a delay, but I done some more last night.

Ordered a 12v Starter for starting the engine, and a 12v 7ah lead acid battery, need to order a new spinner aswel as mine cracked :( so I am going to order that today aswel

Set up the control throws on my radio as per below (these are to get the control surfaces centred and adjust the travel level so that they are on beginner level and not to advanced for a beginner).

Travel Adjust (How far the control surfaces move)
Throttle (up & down) 100%
Elevator (up & down) 100%
Gear (up & down) 100%
Aileron Left (left) 60% (which works out to be about 6mm up and down)
Rudder (left 106% & right 80%) (which works out to be about 45mm left and right)
Aileron right (AUX1/FLAP) 60% (which works out to be about 6mm up and down)

Sub Trim (to centre control surfaces)
Throttle 0
Elevator 48
Gear 0
Aileron (Left) 14
Flap (Aileron Right) 47
Rudder 42

I am going to sort out other features on the radio later aswel

Hopefully will be able to play around starting her up on the weekend with the easy starter if the bits are delivered before or on Saturday :)
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Im going to use my Imax B6 Balance charger to charge this lead acid battery, it can do it.

Yeah I had advice from another forum RE: adjusting, I have just done the ailerons as they were out, both are now on 0 and both are spot on in the neutral position.

I am going to do the others in a sec

Ignore the gear thing, I was reading it off the transmitter menu, its not being used

How much elevator would you suggest?

What is recommended? I am using the minimums

Elevator: 9-15mm up/down
Rudder: 45mm left/right
Ailerons 6-9mm up/down
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Cool ta for the advice :)

OK managed to get all subtrims down to 0 apart from the rudder which I have on 50 as I have tried but I cant get it done by the metal clevis, which may I add is a pain in the back side think I broke it, may have to buy a new one.

So yeah, all done apart from rudder which is at 50
I guess I will have another try at the rudder yes.

Lead acid battery turned up today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have my 12v starter and a new spinner, going to fire it up
OK, bits arrived so I thought I would start it up, SOO much easier!!

Please forgive me for the video rotation, I dont know why it done this.

Please note that I was running engine with wings off however I wanted to see what it was like with it on so I put them on (ignore the floppyness as I did not tighten them right up.

I had a problem later on though, went to start it and it it looks like messed up the thread on the actual prop where the prop shaft goes through as now the prop spins freely and wont "screw" if you get what I mean?

Is this something that happens often?

I really need to get my model sorted :(

I need a few spare parts, new prop, and I may need to replace my closed loop system with a control snake set-up.
I think it probably could be repaired with some balsa

Unfortunately ALL the clubs round by me are full with a big waiting list, so I am having to take it to a remote field which isnt really suited to flying, I might get a smaller electric one.
Just had a go unfortunately.

After delving in at the deep end with a nitro engine, which don't get me wrong has many thrill factors, I slowly learnt that I had to make more of a commitment to fly it, big waiting list at clubs, big cost to build the thing, big cost with joining clubs etc.

I think after that lot, I am more looking at something I can fly quickly with less repair costs, like a good electric which has the ability to let me learn myself, doesnt cost a bomb to repair and can still fly well/get some good altitude.
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Well thats unlucky. Cant really tell from one picture how bad it is, but i am sure some balsa and epoxy and then solafilm and it will be fine again.

What went wrong, or was it jut pilot error?

I had a nice take off, got it up to about 60-80 yards in the air, went to bank left and turn back to come round, lost slight control and it banked too far over, came behind me slightly and the wing clipped a tree sending it spiralling to the ground. I shouldn't have let it come too far behind, there was plenty of open space with no obstructions around, but one or two tree's behind me.

I think I could have done with some slightly reduced controls, I was using the minimum specified by the manual though :\
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