*****My WOT4 MK2 Nitro RC Plane Assembly Log****

Still working on the cowl, however im not sure if I haved messed this up.

Without getting the exhaust off its prooving very difficult! the cowl is starting to feel quite flimsy!! Its not completed yet.


Ahh I suppose that puts me at ease :) I didnt know if it would effect he planes airflow or performance

Got to love that sticker he's stuck on that plane above :)
You epoxy the wings together, yes, I however I need to do that. I was just having a look at the wing span
Ok ok so we have discovered im not the quickest at building planes :) Iv Just wish there wasnt so many things going wrong, iv got people on the RC forums now telling my Cowl is no go get a new one.

Fudge sake, all i seem to do is chuck money at this thing.


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Yep :) Getting about these days, unfortunately iv been abit busy tonight for my side business. but back on the case ASAP

Iv ordered some epoxy for the wings aswel which hopefully should arrive tomorrow
I have tried to tell him this. Told him JOIN the BMFA, go to a club where people fly. Who know what there doing. Christ I have been flying some 8 years now planes and helicopters, posted some of my 'hanger' in one thread on here a year or so ago.

You cant just start a sodding glow engine in a park and think you can fly it. What if you loose signal and it crashes into someones house, or a school, etc etc. Or if it isnt set up correctly. If you think it's a toy. Stick your finger in the prop when the engine is on idle!

You may have too much throws on control surfaces. Your hinges may not be secure enough. Your control rods may bind.

You need to range check, check no interference. What if you have set the centre of gravity up wrong.

What if the fuel clunk gets stuck, what if you dead stick ?

How do you plan on landing it when all controls are reversed with it flying towards you, flying into wind for the landing. Where is the stall point?

I could go on, but I get sick and tired of people thinking they can go out and spend a couple of hundred pounds on a model aircraft because they passed a flying club and thought it looked fun.

The amount of people we get visiting at our field who have the same idea and then you look at the model they have brough and assembled which turns out to be dangerous, not set up right, unsafe is virtually every one. But with experiance you see this. You can sort it and then take them out either on a buddy system or with someone experianced enough to grab the control if something goes wrong.

But I have never ever seen a 'new' flyer maiden his new toy. Whats the point. are you 110% sure you can handle it all if something goes wrong?

You need to join the BMFA so you fly in approved areas, have liability insurance.

But you dont listen. This will end in a bag of balsa.

As for the cowl, chuck it in a bin and dont bother with it.

Whats with the rant ??

I already know im getting insurance, and getting some "lessons" at a club.

However once I learn how to fly and get to grips with everything, I wont be staying at the club as its simply not my scene, where I live there is a lot and I mean a lot of land with nothing round for miles, no people, no houses, no animals, just fields and land
Could someone reccomend me an electric model which I can use to hook up to my Spektrum, I would rather have an electric model aswel to learn with. Something with good power, not going to put a hole in my pocket and can hook up to my Spektrum DX6i
Hmmm, tried to join the wings together but im getting a very slight gap, I have tried to find out whats causing it. I cut down the wood joiner a few times. Its not glue spillage thats dried :\ I cant seem to get rid of the gap

Ah yeah by the way, found out why im having problems with my cowl, my bloody engine is mounted too far forward! So basically the cowl wont go in to its correct position without the thrust plate poking right out of the front of the cowl, which is going to mean I have to remount it, which means I have to get that hex screw out! :(:(
How much has it affected the C of G of the whole thing?

Might be worth just checking the balance, and move stuff around to adjust it to the correct place.

That way, all you need to do is just shift the receiver battery backwards a bit, saves you the other hassel!

I havnt done the centre of gravity yet, that usuallly comes last when everything is in and fitted more permanantly, at the moment im still moving my radio gear and battery around.
There will be an onboard cam and someone shooting dont worry, maybe not onboard for the first flight.

Also Malt, its been a mixture of being a noob, making a few mistakes, waiting for funding, things going wrong, quality of the stuff sent with the kit needing replacing, xmas, I cant think of anymore excuses :)

Its dark outside but im going to try to fire her up, I cant wait until I do it tomorrow so im going to start it now, it could do with a rev
Tried giving it a start but there is no life at all, cant even hear the engine attempting to fire, I do have a new glow starter so im not sure if it is because its only had a 2 hour charge when the suggested first time is 9 hours or if my glow plug is dodgy, or it could be my nitro fuel (I bought it around 5 months ago, used some and its been stored in the shed so not sure if this has gone bad.
Yeah I run in the engine ages ago, but there was a few month period where I didnt fire her up.

My glow starter is getting a good charge tonight and im going to take the plug out in the morning.

I may nip down to the hobby shop but i reallly dont want to spend money at the moment :( as I am in need of a new car and trying to repair the current car
No, the glowplug has been in the engine the whole time.

Anyway, I tried yet again to fire up this morning, wasnt havnt any of it (with a chicken stick), put the glow plug in the end of the glow stick and it glows but up to 3/4 of the way up the coil, not all the way to the top - Is this why??

Phoned model shop for some advice, he says it could be that the head is cold so give it a blow with a hairdryer, fuel seems to be coming through by the looks of things.

Annoying the hell out of me now :(
It fired! but was a little ropey, and I couldnt throttle up without it cutting out as I had to reset my needles. So it will have to be tuned again, Will put a quick video up in a sec, I really need to get a spinner.
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