I have tried to tell him this. Told him JOIN the BMFA, go to a club where people fly. Who know what there doing. Christ I have been flying some 8 years now planes and helicopters, posted some of my 'hanger' in one thread on here a year or so ago.
You cant just start a sodding glow engine in a park and think you can fly it. What if you loose signal and it crashes into someones house, or a school, etc etc. Or if it isnt set up correctly. If you think it's a toy. Stick your finger in the prop when the engine is on idle!
You may have too much throws on control surfaces. Your hinges may not be secure enough. Your control rods may bind.
You need to range check, check no interference. What if you have set the centre of gravity up wrong.
What if the fuel clunk gets stuck, what if you dead stick ?
How do you plan on landing it when all controls are reversed with it flying towards you, flying into wind for the landing. Where is the stall point?
I could go on, but I get sick and tired of people thinking they can go out and spend a couple of hundred pounds on a model aircraft because they passed a flying club and thought it looked fun.
The amount of people we get visiting at our field who have the same idea and then you look at the model they have brough and assembled which turns out to be dangerous, not set up right, unsafe is virtually every one. But with experiance you see this. You can sort it and then take them out either on a buddy system or with someone experianced enough to grab the control if something goes wrong.
But I have never ever seen a 'new' flyer maiden his new toy. Whats the point. are you 110% sure you can handle it all if something goes wrong?
You need to join the BMFA so you fly in approved areas, have liability insurance.
But you dont listen. This will end in a bag of balsa.
As for the cowl, chuck it in a bin and dont bother with it.