*****My WOT4 MK2 Nitro RC Plane Assembly Log****

Hi, sorry about the lack of updates,lol! had some training to do, exams to take/fail and now resitting again (no its not my pilots exam) ;) im too big to fly this thing although if anyone has a shrinking machine then by all means pass it over here :)

Not sure what the last update was, but I had a slight problem with elevator bar twist, which I have now corrected, so...this weeks tasks are:

1) Fit elevators back on
2) Fit elevator control rod
3) Wire in and fit the rudder control cable properly and attach to rudder
4) Run and tweak my engine properly as although its been started, it hasnt been tweaked properly (found a local club which im going to brave and take the thing down to get a check over on it)
OK this engine has had a about 2-3 full tanks through it now, this video was taken just after turned the main needle (grey knob on the top of my engine) about 2 full turns from closed. (the fuel from the exhaust was before I turned it) Its now spurting a very very small amount of excess fuel when throttling up, but its mainly smoke when you throttle up now.

Still need to put a few more tanks through to brake it in properly, apparently it will then begin to go idle in a higher pitch engine tone and less vibrations.

At the moment, and I hope it stays this way, I can go from stick all the way down to full throttle without any coughs, splutters or anything.
Nope, I hit a brick wall with the build (not literally ;) ) as there were some issues with the bits it came with, the guy down the shop has replacements so I'm going to chuck him some money and he's going to tie up the loose ends and make sure it's ready to fly, get it balanced etc. I'm on the lookout for a small camera I can mount to it, I may need an anti- vibration solution aswel.

I did start her up on Saturday and stuck a tank through the engine :) can't wait to fly :)
I stuck a Hi8 video camera to my mates wots-wot and flew it around the fields a few times, was great to see all the buildings, plane was a bit of a handful though with all that weight on one side! :)

Sounds like a heavy cam if it was causing it to do that. The positing also. Better to try and mount it on the underside of the plane looking Down or half forward and half Down. Or you could put it backwards
My bro has one of those keyring cams, aslong as I can mount it ok and get the camera position right I'll order one :)
I havnt balanced anything yet :( purely because I dont know how to.

Im going to have to get a few bits sorted before I do all of this, as there a few control rod joins especially on the throttle linkage connecting to the servo as the nut threads have sheared because of the poor nuts that came with the model.

There is a few other poor quality bits aswel, the model shop has some replacement bits though.

Thanks for the tips on balancing guys :)

Ill have to look in the manual to find the balance point inside the fuselage, also the prob balancing looks pretty simple :) is this seriously all you have to do? is this the preferred method?

Would there be anything I can do with regards to reducing the vibration? or will prop balancing reduce this?
Sorry for the lack of updates on this :) havnt really been doing much on it as yet, anyway, few updates:

All the control linkages are now fitted and centered on the Servos :) (Rudder, Elevator, Throttle, and ailron servos, these control surfaces are full operational in terms of controlling)

Spektrum Radio had to be sent to Horizon Hobby as it developed a fault and I couldnt get in to the menus. They sent me a brand new radio transmitter free of charge with a 2 day return turnaround (winner) :)

I ripped out the Align 2-1 regulator and Li-po as this was taking up a lot of room and way too many wires involved, I have now replaced with a flight flat battery pack only and a small switch, and instead of using the crocodile clip and glow starter switch on the regulator, iv replaced it with a glow plug stick to stick in the engine when I need to fire it up.

Tonight I will be cutting away at the nose cover which will cover the engine and a few other bits.

I will post some more pics tonight and maybe some vids of all the control linkages working the surfaces
As promised, some more pics :)






Haha, I'm in no rush, I have spent a lot of money on it and I had no intentions of rushing it anyway. I run into problems, had to wait for fundings etc. I'm going to have a go at starting it up tomorrow with the new internals And glow ignighter
Run in to yet another problem :(:(

I need to get the exhaust of the engine, its held in by two hex screws, however one of them has rounded.

Whats the easiest way to get this out? im going to have to look at replacing it, I need to get the exhaust off as I need to cut out and fit the nose engine cover
Dremel and careful drilling?

Why does the exhaust need to come off to fit the cowling? Can't say that's ever happened for us before.

See here, you can see where I am going to cut

im going to need to remove the exhaust, unless you can see another way of doing it, although im still going to have to drill out the hex screw sooner or later.

if you can do a paint diagram that would be brilliant :)

You can use card, taped on the fuse that then goes towards engine and make your template there and then transfer that to the cowling to make your cut marks.

Its not so much the template I am after as I know whereabouts to cut, im just trying to get round the issue of not being able to get the exhaust of because of the rounded hex screw
I didnt know if it would be a no go because of airflow going through there

Something like this?


I do have a prop yes
10 x 9
254 x 229
Sports Prop
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Getting on the case :) will update with pics, with regards to the prop set-up, I have one question on the way it goes on

I am dissapointed with the instructions in this model, but the plane itself should be sweet :)
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