It will save around 1% depending on your personal circumstances , around £450 a year .
Another NI cut is total bonkers , its fiscal drag and inflation that's killing everyone's pockets . We don't need any tax cuts just an adjustment in personal allowances , a tax levying on energy companies , non dom tax satuts abolished,
As far as the NHS is concerned its an out of date system that is now obviously destined to fail and to a degree needs a a total revamp. If I visted he U.S would i get any free healthcare ? Err no .
The NHS Is a route of a lot of evil in this country, make what you want of that - yes i call it as i see it , one of the major reasons for immigration, free healthcare ! And it won't get any better, look at the state of Dentistry in the UK , I think you will find a lot of non essential services supplied by the NHS will slowly be going private and in time anything other than essential surgery or anything trauma based will be covered by insurance.
It's clear to see we just can't afford it.