National insurance cut

Why do politicians think they can get more for less. I would be happy more national insurance and get more.
I do think that the public purse need to be held by people who know what they are doing.
Are there any financial concepts or models which the OP is familiar with? He's like a broken Finance AI bot programmed by a methed up toddler.

The only "Financial concept / model" in play here is the stereotypical Tory move of "Give tax cuts before an election, thereby effectively buying votes".
Same pattern.

Cut everything for years, bleed money out of the pockets of us all, make a mess of everything, start infighting and then in an election year say "have a little bit of shiny shiny" that amounts to jot all in the grand scheme.

Jog on charlatans.
I'd rather get the deficit down. What a mess we're leaving for future generations.
It's proven that both parties **** money up the wall like there's no tomorrow, so I prefer if I have the money in my pocket rather than there's.

I'll arrange my finances so my future generations are looked after, because trusting the government to do it is laughable
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All the talk of saving the try hard tories through tax cuts just sounds like "save our friends some money lol whilst we still have power"

People seem sick of underfunded services and being swept under the carpet by WEF puppets who would rather give all our money to other countries whilst constatnyl cutting our services to pay for it!

sick of it!!! raise taxes, fund services and people will be happier.

They won't raise taxes where they should be though and everyone knows it.

but but but...inflation is falling!!1!oneone!1

inflation is falling when its negative....

anything else is just plain wrong and trying to co n people.

if inflation is 10% and it becomes 5%

how does something still rising by 5% fall?

say you have a bathtub slowly the water rises, you drop the flow by 5% and now the water line is falling right? cos thats what we keep being told by idiots on the TV, people who shouldn't be reading a bus ticket never mind the news!

I know it's not really a good anology because really it should be something thats being dilluted
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anything else is just plain wrong and trying to co n people.
think you're preaching to the coverted lol
unfortunately and disappointingly...the vast proportion of the public are ingnorant of this fact, hence why the conmen can spin spin spin it like it's something of a win :(
All the talk of saving the try hard tories through tax cuts just sounds like "save our friends some money lol whilst we still have power"

People seem sick of underfunded services and being swept under the carpet by WEF puppets who would rather give all our money to other countries whilst constatnyl cutting our services to pay for it!

sick of it!!! raise taxes, fund services and people will be happier.

They won't raise taxes where they should be though and everyone knows it.

inflation is falling when its negative....

anything else is just plain wrong and trying to co n people.

if inflation is 10% and it becomes 5%

how does something still rising by 5% fall?

say you have a bathtub slowly the water rises, you drop the flow by 5% and now the water line is falling right? cos thats what we keep being told by idiots on the TV, people who shouldn't be reading a bus ticket never mind the news!

I know it's not really a good anology because really it should be something thats being dilluted

I understand the gist of what you are saying, but in simply technical terms inflation is literally the measure of how much prices increase... 5% increases year on year are a fall from 10% year on year, so the rate of inflation (ie in simple terms the rate at which prices are increasing) has fallen if it's gone from 10% to 5%, which is also known as disinflation.

If it is truly negative (ie prices actually getting cheaper rather than increasing more slowly) then you are looking at deflation, which as a general rule is a bad thing if it's economy wide and for any sustained period of time.

I think the true con is them pretending they have anything to do with the drop in inflation however...
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