Hi there
Those who have being following my thread will know a few months ago I installed BMR Vertical Spherical/Delrin links. Unfortunately 3-4 weeks later the car was creaking like an old ship wreck over road imperfections so most of the time on a UK road. The culprit was the delrin bush in the vertical link even though generous amounts of energy suspension lube was used it only kept the bush quiet for a matter of weeks.
BMR acknowledged the problem and sent out some spherical bushes free of charge all the way to the UK, absolutely brilliant customer service.
I dropped the vertical links along with new bushes off at Collins Performance in Congleton who pressed the new spherical bushes in place, even better free of charge, yet again more great customer service, so I gave the guy £20 to get some beers.
Installing the vertical links with spherical bushes either end is an absolute breeze, no trouble getting the bolts in at all, did each side in 20-30 minutes.
Also many people have asked me about my spring pad spacers to raise the height in rear and where they go, well below is an image, the spring pad spacer (purple) is between the cars body/chassis and spring pad isolator. Pictured below:
Of course the Vertical links I have put back on as they are much stronger and have benefits for launching and tractions out of corners, so as I had them it makes sense to use them. I shall report if the spherical bearings giving any issues at all, but I suspect they will operate in silence and so far so good on test drive, no noises.