Necrophilia was "alive" in Tunbridge Wells

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It's beyond the realms of fetish and into mental illness, to be frank.

It's highly unsanitary to boot!

But yeah, if you have that degree of mental illness you aren't acting logically or rationally; something is just not working correctly or at all. It's impossible for a rational person to look at a corpse and think, "I'll have some of that."

Similar thing with quite a few other fetishes - if they're actually acted out rather than confined to "role play" among consenting adults. I mean there are people out there with torture or rape fetishes... that's fine, whatever floats their boat so long as they can stick to it being a mere fantasy - pretending/acting it out with consenting (live) adults and safe words etc..

It's when people start acting out depraved fetishes for real that very serious (criminal) issues arrive as lots of this stuff is rather messed up.
How do you Abuse a "Corpse", don't some people burn corpses to a cindered crisp and then put their ashes into a Jar?
why does an electrician have access to a morgue.

aren't bodies considered kinda precious and of value that you might expect CCTV inside and some member of staff dedicated to protecting the bodies , checking them in out etc .

not letting random people go near them to take morbid photos or worse.

I don't get why men want to violate a dead woman. Surely, it would be cold 'inside.'
I'm going to have to turn the heating on now.
Isnt there some diseases you can catch from dead bodies and pass onto your partners?

or is that just a myth to put people off doing it.

I wonder how fresh hospital corpses are, some of them could have been barely dead.

they probably can't be stored for long with all the fluids still inside? even at cold temperatures?

bet this is far from the only guy living that's done it in this country too.
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It's strange how this subject is apparently fair game for one liners and general chuckles. The crime has got to be just about as sick as it gets.

I don't mean that I think a Mod should intervene, what I mean is that it is quite interesting how we seem to accept humour in things like this.
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