Necrophilia was "alive" in Tunbridge Wells

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It's strange how this subject is apparently fair game for one liners and general chuckles. The crime has got to be just about as sick as it gets.

I don't mean that I think a Mod should intervene, what I mean is that it is quite interesting how we seem to accept humour in things like this.

Dark humour has always been the English way when faced with such distasteful and dreadful things. If he got the death penalty maybe he then go **** himself? ;)
Dark humour has always been the English way when faced with such distasteful and dreadful things. If he got the death penalty maybe he then go **** himself? ;)

If the people were alive when he raped them then it would still be distasteful and dreadful; what's the difference in this instance where the victims are dead that makes it more palatable to laugh and joke about it?
did the news papers really need to talk about this stuff in such detail.

like even mentioning how some of the corpses ended up as corpses.... then you realise these bodies probably weren't exactly in one piece and looking like they were asleep

what a monster, just so unbelievable.

death sentence should be in reserve for people like him.
it's crazy technically he could have murdered someone then had his way with their dead body in the hospital after.

there's no way he only killed a few people in the 30 odd years surely
did the news papers really need to talk about this stuff in such detail.

like even mentioning how some of the corpses ended up as corpses.... then you realise these bodies probably weren't exactly in one piece and looking like they were asleep

what a monster, just so unbelievable.

death sentence should be in reserve for people like him.
it's crazy technically he could have murdered someone then had his way with their dead body in the hospital after.

there's no way he only killed a few people in the 30 odd years surely
Imagine finding out, as well?

Some of the victims families said they wish that they hadn't found out in the way that they did.

I'm guessing there will be a fair few victims who will never be known either.
Mrs Kemal is obviously a determined and virtuous woman with a history of bringing the politically correct civil servants to account and I wish her every success to also bringing the profligate and inept NHS hierarchy to similar account.

I had no idea that the crime this deviant committed was punishable by a maximum of 2 years. Personally I'd like to have seen him castrated and would be up for the job with my blunt Stanley knife...
It's strange how this subject is apparently fair game for one liners and general chuckles. The crime has got to be just about as sick as it gets.

I don't mean that I think a Mod should intervene, what I mean is that it is quite interesting how we seem to accept humour in things like this.

I think it's partly because it's so out there and strange that there's no insinuation that anyone joking about it is in anyway potentially involved or thinking about it.

It's not like racist jokes where you can kind of just see that quite obviously some are expressing thier genuine views as "just a joke".

But with this noones thinking Malevolence is off to interfer woth a corpse

A man in my town was arrested for having sex with a dog this week as well which is pretty sick, apparently he left the curtains open..

I probably shouldn’t, but that reminds me of the old one
about the guy in court accused of having sex with a dog.
The judge said disgustedly, “Good God, how low can you get?”
He replied proudly, “I did a chihuahua last week!”

A man in my town was arrested for having sex with a dog this week as well which is pretty sick, apparently he left the curtains open..

Are you in Gosport? That was headline news not long ago and I'd shared it on Gosport Aware :D

Was it you?
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