Need for Speed: Shift 2: Unleashed

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looks like eau rouge at night in the video
Night time racing?

If i was EA i would drop the NFS name and just call it Shift 2. The need for speed bit can confuse people who are after an arcade lark about.

Shift had a lot of promise but i soon forgot about it as soon as Forza came out.
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Well this I didn't expect so soon after Hot Pursuit. But I do agree they should drop the NFS name. There's no need for it.
NFS Shift 2








I own shift and have played it for less then an hour as I cant get any car to handle however much I try. I know I am using a cheap pad or keyboard, but I shouldnt have to invest in a wheel to at least play the game. The wheel should add enjoyment, not allow you to play normally.
Looks lovely, it's a shame the physics didn't equal the graphics though. Hopefully they are actually listening to sim racers. I'm clinging onto that tiny possibility.
Best looking racer hands down. If you are looking for a sim then move on, any racing game that doesn't have qually isn't sim worthy
They need to sort out the steering wheel settings for G25/G27 and get rid of the awful stuttering on some of the tracks.

The default steering wheels settings were unplayable and even after much tinkering they weren't great. They should ask Codemasters how to do it right, that's the one thing they got bang on with DIRT2 and F1 2010
yay, get in!!!

still love Shift (when modded to hell and back) and will be picking this up for sure. There are references to wet weather amongst other things in the Shift 1 files so maybe they might try weather effects as well? It is possible to "night-race" in shift 1 as well though the lighting model is not setup to allow headlights to light anything.
A recent interview with Soderburgh suggested that Shift 1 was originally going to an out and out sim but was dumbed down at the last minute. Hopefully they may decide to move away from the NFS brand and allow more sim aspects. Happy to see stuff like Hot Pursuit with NFS branding but not this...

Would like to see it a little harder to progress through career as well tbh. Unlocking tier 4 when you've only just started tier 2 is a bit odd.

ps. nice screenies Arknor, cheers.
You can't make a full on sim and dumb it down at the last minute, maybe they had "hardcore sim" scribbled on a whiteboard at some point but it never got past that point. Besides, it's not that it's a dumbed down sim, it's just that the physics are wrong, not simple, just wrong.

If they can fix that turn on a pivot feel from the first game I might be interested as a more relaxed racing game though.
Hate shift. They call it a sim but its not and never will be. They had the sense of speed and dramatics but the driving was poor otherwise. Couldn't get used to it at all.

This will be another rushed out crappy game. They should sell off the visual aspects to the likes of Simbin or iRacing and let them do the rest.
Bring back Underground, that's where the best parts of the NFS series were in my opinion. Still have a whack at underground 2 round a mates every now and then, bring back that nostalgia feeling :D
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