Need for Speed Shift - Time Trial Championship ** Season 3 ** (Multiplatform)

I don't know which turn it is but i am having serious problem with the car bouncing of the small hump and looses grip all the gather and crash straight into the side wall.
I don't know which turn it is but i am having serious problem with the car bouncing of the small hump and looses grip all the gather and crash straight into the side wall.

Do you mean just before the second split time? About 50's in. I've tried taking that corner full pelt like we did with the Audi LMS, but it's no go with the Lotus. I brake before the bump, drop a gear or two from 6th, (depends on landing) & hug the left wall.

Or is it another corner?
I don't know which turn it is but i am having serious problem with the car bouncing of the small hump and looses grip all the gather and crash straight into the side wall.

So need to determine which corner..

After the tunnel i asume...

Next turn is left, down hill...

next is sweeping right uphill....

Nasty bumpy left turn on to bridge...

easy left, easy right .. over BIG BUMP, mind that wall :)

Somewhere above i imagine?
Do you mean just before the second split time? About 50's in. I've tried taking that corner full pelt like we did with the Audi LMS, but it's no go with the Lotus. I brake before the bump, drop a gear or two from 6th, (depends on landing) & hug the left wall.

Or is it another corner?

Yeah thats the one Nick :), you got it mate.
I've decided to retire for a while because a nerve underneath my right thumb just below the first knuckle has become sensitive, it gives me a sort of prickly shock sensation from time to time. It's from continual pressure gripping the wheel :(
^^ You must grip pretty hard mate?

have you tried turning off thr force feadback?

I thought about force feedback. It's been down to 7 from 10 for a while. Might be worth turning off I suppose. I always start off gripping loose but I guess my pressure must increase as I go on. Tbh I don't think my grip is particularly hard, I think it's just the continuous repetition of playing every day for hours since I started 2 months ago. My hand was aching and starting to feel a bit stiff. That has subsided now, it's just the nerve that concerns me which I reckon needs to rest for a while. I'll possibly give it another go later and force myself to grip really really loose, see if it makes any difference.
Seems this competition is dying :( I managed to get a bit more time to play tonight too.


Anyone have any tuning tips to deal with the bumps? I'm guessing I need to mess with the bump/rebounds but which? And fast or slow?
Hand is feeling better after a bit of rest. Taken force feedback down to 3 which helps. Well, best I can do for now. How to get below 1:25... no eye deer.:p


The worst bump for me is the very last one around the 1 minute mark before going into the carousel. It always throws my car into the wall. Only way round it seems to be coming right off the gas momentarily.
Oh cool, a bit of life. I hope this keeps going, I was just looking and we only had 5 times posted, only a couple of weeks ago we were in double figures. If you are reading this and have the game, join in - all are welcome!

Anyway, slight improvement:

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