Need Help Making Gaming Computer Budget 2-3k

my point was with a system that powerful its most likely any performance gain you see is pretty negligable, because you'll already have everything FLYING.
Its not really worth overclocking it unless you require a little faster, because it might mean your fans are forced to spin faster, making more noise, and it will mean you're using more electricity, greenpeace will come and get you.
The Room the pc in will also heat up quicker, which is only good in winter :) My pc was far superior to the central heating in my flat last year at uni during winter with an overclock :p
lol how silly. My advice, buy a new PC on the price/performance curve sweet spot every 9 months (~£600) and see yourself sorted running the latest games for the next 3 years.

deleted said:
What the hell is "XD"? you type it as if its a full stop :confused:

its a spanish thing.
There was a guy did that daily like 100X a day in our IRC channel, ended up a BOT was set to kick him every time he did it lol.

He called it his MUM face. (replace 1st M with C) lol.
helmutcheese said:
He called it his MUM face. (replace 1st M with C) lol.


That's a very nice amount of cash you have there mate, I have a somewhat idiot friend who blew £2500 on a well specced Dell system which could have been built for around £1700 with better components.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it though, agreeing with the other members I really wouldn't bother with the 'extreme' processor. And if you can wait a few weeks, do it, well worth it imho.
jidh007 said:

That's a very nice amount of cash you have there mate, I have a somewhat idiot friend who blew £2500 on a well specced Dell system which could have been built for around £1700 with better components.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it though, agreeing with the other members I really wouldn't bother with the 'extreme' processor. And if you can wait a few weeks, do it, well worth it imho.

Lol im currently using a DELL XPS which my mum got me :) i dont like it. Thus why im spending a wod of cash on a new computer. Cant wait to put it together :D my mum has just transfered the cash into my account but it takes 4 days :'( lol
I think you should really look at not buying the extreme edition/ULTRA components, you should really look at what you will use the PC for, and then look at what components will get you required performance etc..

So far you have only said you play eve, its a fairly old game etc isnt it?

Im just thinking because in year or so down the line the hundreds that can be saved by not wasting on the complete top end hardware can be used to replace anything that has become a bottleneck..
Most likely the graphics card first
peetee said:
I think you should really look at not buying the extreme edition/ULTRA components, you should really look at what you will use the PC for, and then look at what components will get you required performance etc..

So far you have only said you play eve, its a fairly old game etc isnt it?

Im just thinking because in year or so down the line the hundreds that can be saved by not wasting on the complete top end hardware can be used to replace anything that has become a bottleneck..
Most likely the graphics card first

I play eve-online, their new DX 10 client comes out at Christmas im also hoping to beta test tabula rasa and aion. But apart from that i do a lot of photoshop work. But heh im sure il find an insane game some time :D
My personal choice for that budget:


Abit IP-35 Pro,
4GB G Skill RAM,
2TB Hdd space.

rick827 said:
lol how silly. My advice, buy a new PC on the price/performance curve sweet spot every 9 months (~£600) and see yourself sorted running the latest games for the next 3 years.

its a spanish thing.

I am Spanish myself and have never used it XD :p

The day has come....

And yes.... IM A HAPPY BOI XD


These will be the longest 24 hours of my life. LOL wow... how sad am i XD
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