Hi again, ran memtest86 3 times, got a failure on the 3rd pass Error 308400.
Took out one stick of ram, ran it again, got a freeze (not actual error), after about 1 hour.
Took that stick out & put in the other stick of ram, using another ram slot & got another freeze after about 45 mins, no error reported just a total freeze.
Put an AMD card in, which took ages due to freeze's while trying to get DDU to run in safe mode... With card finally in but no drivers
or anything installed i got the same sorts of freeze's, black screen crashes. Tried another brand new psu but get the same results.
Have been running CPUID HW & CoreTemp, all temps seem fine, can't see any indication of anything wrong in those programs
before these crashes/freeze's happen.
The only thing i have noticed is that settings in the BIOS do not get saved. However i was running everything on Auto anyway, incl. the memory.
Have just found out that it will freeze while in the BIOS as well, except that the page stays up, i just cannot go through any of the settings.
Temps were 25 for CPU & 21 for M/B.
Scratching my head here, only thing i can think to do is get another CPU/MB/RAM etc.
Anyone got any suggestions ?