I can't seriously believe that some people are justifying this uniformed rent-a-thug head-butting someone!
The mind boggles, it really does!
What the **** would you have done, hit him with your keyboard

I can't seriously believe that some people are justifying this uniformed rent-a-thug head-butting someone!
The mind boggles, it really does!
What the **** would you have done, hit him with your keyboard. I assume it was a knee jerk reaction on movingtable's part due to being grabbed by the throat! Not everyone would be happy about being a punch bag Azagoth!
Speaking as someone who has never been headbutted or administered a headbutt to someone else, how does the butt-er do it without causing themselves imense pain? Banging your forehead into a relatively hard surface seems to me to be less than sensible, even if its the end of someones nose. If you are going to whack someone why use your forehead particularly? Again, I am no expert.
The crucial phrase is admitting you pulled away, then headbutted the guy. That is excessive force and assault at the very least I would have thought.
I had a similar incident, if you get called in say that the guy was trying to get past you and you clashed heads, or something very similar to that, don't say you nutted him, the police will arrest you for ABH.
Edit : that is if its not on camera, then nothing you say will help, just try and make it sound like you were doing your job and he was the aggressor and you should be fine.
make sure you report the initial assault to at least your bosses, along with any details of the person who commited it.
Yes of course, I'd have hit him with my keyboard!Seriously though, is "Ooh, keyboard LOLZ!!111!!1!!!!1!" the best you can up with?
Did you even bother to read the post, the guy wasn't been held at all, in his own words he'd already pulled away. It was only then that he lunged in with his head-butt as retaliation! No doubt because he has some problem controlling his anger and didn't want to lose face in public.
Sounds like self defense to metoday i was asking someone "nicely" not to park in a staff bay and they flipped their lid and had me by the throat. so i pulled away and then headbutted