Neighbour from a few doors up parks their car outside my house

We have this issue on our road as well but its a public road so not much you can do. Neighbours all have an unspoken rule to park outside your own house but we often have people leaving cars for weeks on end. Nothing you can do unless it isn't taxed or doesn't have a valid MOT.

Honestly not worth having neighbour wars where you live - we have one guy who barks at people if they park outside his house and leaves his bin as a 'place holder' -but he is known on the road as a moron. You don't want to be that person.
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What about all the other days when he wants to park normally in his drive?

Nothing you can do OP but it is weird he doesn't want to park outside his own house and if you don't use it he probably thinks he's doing nothing wrong because he isn't..
tell them once and with a reason and they will unlikely park up there again (from experience)

what are the other options, sit there and moan on the forums doing nothing :p
tell them once and with a reason and they will unlikely park up there again (from experience)

what are the other options, sit there and moan on the forums doing nothing :p

I'm afraid that the reason of "I don't like your vehicle, I don't like you parking outside my house and when people visit they can't park outside my house" are not good reasons.

Reminds me of the old woman who lived next door and up until she died in 2019 she was telling drivers they couldn't park outside her house because she owned it.
When she moaned to me about other people I did try to tell her that the road is nothing to do with her if the vehicles are taxed, insured and MOT'd but she wouldn't have it.
Best of it she lived in the back room so never saw out of the front unless she made an effort :)
I'm afraid that the reason of "I don't like your vehicle, I don't like you parking outside my house and when people visit they can't park outside my house" are not good reasons.

Reminds me of the old woman who lived next door and up until she died in 2019 she was telling drivers they couldn't park outside her house because she owned it.
When she moaned to me about other people I did try to tell her that the road is nothing to do with her if the vehicles are taxed, insured and MOT'd but she wouldn't have it.
Best of it she lived in the back room so never saw out of the front unless she made an effort :)
that would be silly, like i said just saying you have a delivery with a large appliance and if they can kindly move their vehicle

people genrally dont want another conversation at a later date again, so the chap probably wont park again there
that would be silly, like i said just saying you have a delivery with a large appliance and if they can kindly move their vehicle

people genrally dont want another conversation at a later date again, so the chap probably wont park again there

of course they'll go back again especially when they see a delivery never came.
of course they'll go back again especially when they see a delivery never came.
you're assuming some muppet is going to wait 2 days at the front porch to see if a delivery came by or not

he will just park elsewhere and avoid having another "friendly" chat

what is your alternative suggestion...
People get ridiiculously proprietorial about the patch of highway outside their house which they don't own or have legal control over I don't have offstreet parking and I make a point of picking a different spot to park every night or at least every few nights or the chances are something unpleasant is going to happen if it stays there.
he will just park elsewhere and avoid having another "friendly" chat

No they won't.
They MIGHT not park for the one time you ask them but they will be back if that's where they prefer to park.
If you're not man enough to give them the reasons why you don't want them there then you've given them no excuse to not go back.
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I don't get the whole parking on the road thing when they have driveways. A few houses along my road have driveways big enough for 4 cars, yet they park on the road. Even when it's opposite junctions. A couple have already been crashed in to over night and they still do it.
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It wouldn't be as bad if the he was actually using the car and that it moved every so often, but that isn't the case. It's moved once in 2 months and with it being a heap of poo (old, dirty etc) it looks like it's been dumped and is actually quite an eyesore.
People get ridiiculously proprietorial about the patch of highway outside their house which they don't own or have legal control over I don't have offstreet parking and I make a point of picking a different spot to park every night or at least every few nights or the chances are something unpleasant is going to happen if it stays there.
Yeah it's one of those things I've never understood. Had a neighbour at our old house that was obsessed with parking outside his house, if my wife's car was parked outside his and a space opened up he'd come knocking on the door to suggest moving it. Get a life pal!

Yes if someone is parked outside your house it might be a minor inconvenience for loading/unloading or visitors etc etc but you have no rights legally or 'morally' to expect others not to park there. May as well say people can't stand on the pavement outside your house or breathe the air outside your house.
I'd just move house, surprised no-one else suggested it :confused:
This is absolutely the best solution. It's shameful to say but threads like this make me glad to be away from all this sort of shenanigans.

Since I've moved I've spoken to the neighbours once, and that was at a meeting to discuss the private road. The access to our house is on a private road with no parking on it. The public road is screened off with Oak trees and laurel. I no longer share an adjoining wall with a drunk and his deluded son who thinks he's Edd Shearan... It's bliss. Should have done it years ago!
Unless you have any kind of physical device preventing the theft of your car it will just as likely be stolen from the road as your own drive. As has been suggested above park it outside the neighbours house and tell visitors to use your drive.

Next time the Focus moves try to park your car there and hope they get the hint.
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Yep, hate this sort of thing.

I do love the people almost defending the other guy though. I mean it's not a legal thing agreed, but surely it's common courtesy not to do it.... Or at least mix it up, park outside someone's elses every once in a while. I'm sure they wouldn't be on that side so heavily if someone parked outside their house for two months.

Anyway I've no help this way, old property, parking was a premium. guy across the road parked outside ours to reserve his drive for guests. He was the sort if you told him he'd still do it anyway. Especially frustrating when I was out of hospital and family had to park a decent walk away and drag all the babies stuff down the street.

Was great when we moved. If he starts moving his car into the space the second it's free you know it won't get any better!
I don't get the whole parking on the road thing when they have driveways. A few houses along my road have driveways big enough for 4 cars, yet they park on the road. Even when it's opposite junctions. A couple have already been crashed in to over night and they still do it.
Should be law imo. It's the whole 'I'm alright jack' attitude. Makes it inconvenient to everyone else, but it's fine for them. Quite common near my parents and at the end of my street where people park opposite junctions.
When I moved house over a year ago I made sure I had my own parking. Driveway makes life soo easy. I also have my own parking at the back of the property along with a garage if extra parking is needed (guests etc)
In and out of driveway, never need to worry about parking.
Same here. We moved to an area that has ample driveway parking for the home owners. Previous house was shared on street parking and while it was never a major issue it did mean no parking for visitors. We now are across from the local Rugby club and they have matches once a fortnight but the people parking leave the driveways clear.

Only once in 11 years have I had to go find some clown who parked over my drive. When I found the owner he said “I’m busy and will be about 10 minutes”. Before I even responded the group he was with told him to stop being a dick and move his car.

As for the OP, best to just let it go because if you start doing what some of the clown responses advocate, it will just escalate. I would understand if you needed that space for yourself but you don’t.
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