Neighbour from a few doors up parks their car outside my house

Should be law imo. It's the whole 'I'm alright jack' attitude. Makes it inconvenient to everyone else, but it's fine for them. Quite common near my parents and at the end of my street where people park opposite junctions.
note I am not necessarily disagreeing with you but I don't think it's quite as easy as that. we have parking for 2 cars on our drive because we paid to have our drive sorted. (only a single dropped kerb however and it's really hard to park off road if a car (legally) blocks us in on the non dropped kerb... however that isn't my point.

just because I made the effort and paid a chunk of wedge in theory you are suggesting I now have removed my right to park my car or a visitors car on the road, where as a person who didn't do that is ok to put their 2nd car on the road? (or what if a person went the other way and grassed over their drive to go full garden?.

over all I think the rules are about right - even tho I wish I could drop my kerb -. I do wish more was done to enforce not parking on junctions however as well as on double yellows when not on a main road. (that largely goes unpunished around me)
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note I am not necessarily disagreeing with you but I don't think it's quite as easy as that. we have parking for 2 cars on our drive because we paid to have our drive sorted. (only a single dropped kerb however and it's really hard to park off road if a car (legally) blocks us in on the non dropped kerb... however that isn't my point.

just because I made the effort and paid a chunk of wedge in theory you are suggesting I now have removed my right to park my car or a visitors car on the road, where as a person who didn't do that is ok to put their 2nd car on the road? (or what if a person went the other way and grassed over their drive to go full garden?.

over all I think the rules are about right - even tho I wish I could drop my kerb -. I do wish more was done to enforce not parking on junctions however as well as on double yellows when not on a main road. (that largely goes unpunished around me)
There is no right though, it's first come first served. That's why people add a driveway in the first place because it IS their right to park on their own land and access to the land IS a right when a dropped curb is in place.

There is a certain amount of neighbourly consideration required beyond the mentality of "it's legal". At our old place someone could quite legally have parked opposite our drive and right up to our drive in front of our house. With the narrow road and layout of the drive etc. That would have made it impossible for us to get our cars out. Thankfully that never happened. Likewise the space outside our house was opposite two other drives. Parking there made it extremely difficult to access those drives so I rarely did it and always moved my car asap when I did.

Mr Minibus on the other hand did, for a while, and when he was politely confronted by said person he reacted by being a div and spouting how there was nothing illegal about his parking. On the one hand he was 'right' on the other he was an inconsiderate tool.
Could be worse, it might be a sprinter van which the owner refuses to park on his own drive because he is worried about the weight damaging his drive. However, he doesn't have a problem with reversing onto my drive every day, to go back up the street.
Put one of those security bollards up
I would need two, and it would make it more difficult for when I want to park on the drive. I might just start parking at the back and start completing more DIY on the front, which will involve jars of screws and nails.
have you tried asking him politely why he thinks his van will damage his drive but not yours if he drives on it, and just say, you would rather he didnt drive his heavy vehicle on it . unlike the in front of house on public road parking, it does seem you are entitled to do this.
I would need two, and it would make it more difficult for when I want to park on the drive. I might just start parking at the back and start completing more DIY on the front, which will involve jars of screws and nails.
True but he'll stop parking there, then you can put them down :)
have you tried asking him politely why he thinks his van will damage his drive but not yours if he drives on it, and just say, you would rather he didnt drive his heavy vehicle on it . unlike the in front of house on public road parking, it does seem you are entitled to do this.

Suddenly they don't speak English....
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