Neighbour's trampolines

yeah, sounds bad. However i do have a solution:

reminds me if this image:


hire your grandad/grandma to walk around laking basic clothing when they are on the trampoline . i can guarentee those kids will never want to go on that trampoline ever again
Funnily enough.. My friend had some real problems with his neighbour, his drunkeness and his unruly kids.. My friend bought a new house and his brother in law bought the old house (With the scummy neighbours) to live in for a short while, modernise it and sell it on. Little did then know that he was a naturist. So often he would go out into the back garden for either a cuppa and a smoke or to do some garden work.. Nude.. His neighbours got very upset and called him all the names under the sun, called the police etc but they could not do anything as it is not illegal unless it can be proven that he was stripping off to upset or shock them which he wasnt (he had been a Naturist for years and been in a member or a club for most of his life). Apparently they even attempted to get the local paper involved but they told them the same as the police and they were still trying to get him arrested by lying about him being lewd towards their children in the back garden. He showed the police all of his CCTV footage and they issued the neighbour with a warning for wasting police time and harassing him. They eventually moved out and an elderly couple moved in and thought it was amazing he was embracing nature and didnt have an issue at all.. What they did have an issue with was the previous owner did not disclose the issues. So they took him to court and were awarded about £15K... He actually lived in the house for several years after as the other neighbours were so nice and he ended up moving away for work and selling at a good profit.
Walk around naked in your house. When the kids notice and mention it to their parents they'll probably get rid of the trampoline. Double win as you'll eradicate their noise at the same time.
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******* hate garden trampolines :mad:, the number of times they have ruined my commute is unbelievable. Idiot home owners who live alongside the Birmingham Cross City rail line and don't have a clue how to secure the ******* things properly so they end up being lifted by winds into the overhead catenary system :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
We had potato guns when we were kids -anyone put their head up over fence got a bit of rotton spud in their chops.
Good old days

Fortunately the old people who live either side of me are same as us - Child free. -Wonderful.

We have 4 in earshot neighbours. Only one of them has children. Unfortunately they also have a trampoline. It gets annoying in summer holidays.

To live in a child free village would be amazing!
The neighbours I mentioned in the other thread have a trampoline and climbing frame, though my extension blocks the line of sight.

Another new neighbours brought with them a marquee. Though that didn't last long. The first time we had high winds it shredded the roof and sides.
I've read whole thread, and I have to confess I'm still confused as to why the existence of the trampoline stops you walking around naked in the kitchen? :confused:
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I swear sometimes OcUK has become mumsnet.

Yeah I ghost their AIBU section because that's where the drama is, and trampoline threads crop up quite often. Usually several times over the Spring/Summer time, every year.

Also, I have an irrational hate for that John Lewis Christmas advert that they did one year where you had a dog or a fox bouncing on a trampoline. It was plastered all over the internet to the point that you couldn't avoid it, much more so than any JL Christmas ads from other years.

Edit: quoted wrong post :p
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Ahh the spud gun. What a thoroughly wonderful invention. So much fun times were had with them in my youth. Shame they seemed to lose popularity.

I think that's because they got replaced with the BB gun - which was much less faff of reloading. And obviously hurt more than a bit of potato.
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