Nest Learning thermostat with smart TRVs e.g. Tado

Not my pic.. But mine looked like this!

looking back - was that particular illustration an opentherm/modulating bus connection.
Yes you did.

For me it's comfort too. Also posted about this.

The old stat was in the east facing hall/entrance.
And my office is in the west.
So the evening sun would be against my window heating it up. And the stat would say "ooh it's cold in the east hall, turn that heating on".

I'd suddenly. Find myself roasting and the radiator was on!
I don't want to be paying for sweaty balls
Who tf is this guy with his east hall :cry: :D
Decided on having a Tado system fitted, having looked at the options on the market, Tado would seem to fit our needs the best. Boiler being serviced by heating engineer next Wednesday, he's fitting the Tado system when he is here to do the boiler.

I know they can be fitted by people without calling in a pro to do so but I just thought I might as well ask them to fit it whilst they were here anyway, servicing the boiler :cool:
Decided on having a Tado system fitted, having looked at the options on the market, Tado would seem to fit our needs the best. Boiler being serviced by heating engineer next Wednesday, he's fitting the Tado system when he is here to do the boiler.

I know they can be fitted by people without calling in a pro to do so but I just thought I might as well ask them to fit it whilst they were here anyway, servicing the boiler :cool:
I recently added tado stats to my place. I have a 2 zone system (up and down) so had to get 2 wired thermostats. They were super simple to fit though and the app looks like it has a lot of features which I need to dig into but overall I recommend it.
So an update... and to best give context I live in a large old Victorian house which has barely any insulation so heat just leaks. Already at a losing cause...

I ended up getting 14 Tado TRV and for the moment it does what I need as a gloried on/off valve set in the key rooms that we're using throughout the day. Though as I've been using this, I really can see the benefit of having the full Tado thermostat/control installed as well.

My Nest is set, at the moment even in this brutal cold UK weather, to 16.5... yes I know it's ridiculous by the best of standards. Given that last year our energy bill was £650+/month for two people. Our budget was £300/month given that the previous owner had a family of 4.

The Nest is in the ground-floor hallway which already has two hard-set flowthrough radiators. If it drops a degree in temp, especially the lower end, it will take over 2 hours to heat up. I don't need this heating up so the full Tado, I believe, will be the best course of action given that the rooms we will be in will only be needed to be heated up.
I don't understand why you've placed the Nest in a colder hallway that you don't use, why not have it in a room you use the most?
I don't understand why you've placed the Nest in a colder hallway that you don't use, why not have it in a room you use the most?
you’d normally place the thermostat in the coldest/leakiest place and control warmer rooms with TRVs. That way the heating system doesn’t switch off until the whole house has warmed up. You stop individual rooms from ‘over heating’ with the TRVs.

If you place it a warm room, it will turn the whole heating system off once it is warm and your other rooms will not heat up.
If you place it a warm room, it will turn the whole heating system off once it is warm and your other rooms will not heat up.
That is correct and how not to waste energy by heating rooms that aren't used. By placing the main thermostat in the room most often used, leaving the others with their TVR's on low settings or even off completely you're not chasing a temperature in the hall which is always colder anyway, and opening the front door can produce a blast of cold air into the hall triggering the thermostat unnecessary.
I never use our hall wireless thermostat at all and keep all doors closed and use the one in the Lounge as the master. I've also placed SRV's in the master bedroom and the guest room. The master bedroom one only goes on an hour before bedtime and the guest room one is only on when we have guests. The rest being ordinary TRV's turned down low just so as they're comfortable, around 20c.
Tado's recommended setup.
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Not sure that’s what I said.

Ours is in the coldest/slowest place to warm up in the house (hallway) but it doesn’t mean it gets heated unnecessarily. It’s set to 16/17c. The rest of the house is on TRVs set to what ever is required for that room (2 or 3 on the mechanical TRV). The system is balanced in such a way that those rooms heat up to their target temperature just before the hall reaches its temp and shuts everything down. The house cools at a similar rate across the board so once it drops below 15 on the main stat, it kicks back on again and the process starts all over.

It’s different if you have smart TRVs on each rad because you have a much finer control and it doesn’t really matter where the main stat is because each TRV can call for heat as needed.

There is some nuance to that though because if you have a condenser boiler, you’ll want as many rads as possible heating at the same time to maximise the efficiency of the boiler.

It gets even more nuanced with low flow temperatures/heat pumps and the general wisdom there is to not run TRVs at all and to just vary the flow temperature with weather compensation and you control individual room temps with a radiator correctly sized to the heat loss.
As I stated in my post I also have a mixture of TRV and SRV's, however heating the hall to a lower temperature will also mean that the room you use the most, unless you've a SRV in their also controlling the heating, will be colder than it should be, as will other rooms whatever you set a TRV to.

Whatever the argument you are still far better off having the nest in the room you are most often in and even Google state the same,install-nd--or-rd-gen-nest-learning-thermostat-on-a-wall

Of course it is entirely up to you but you are going against the grain as also recommended here, you should place your,is unobstructed by household items here Positioning the thermostat in the hall is a out of date process now.
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Y'all saying the same thing..b0rn is just doing the right thing in a more complicated way (if you can even suggest that). It's like me putting the stat in the hottest room but putting target at 28...
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