net riddle

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It's time to get back to the root, far to many wows, now, just delete everything from right to left on the address line up to /nr/ then just enter the answer to this simple riddle;

What comes next?

I've tried every damn combination for the colour one...

1. counted the visual colours
2. counted the appearances of the words
3. combined both

...and still don't get the right solution :(

Any little hint please?

Originally posted by Pj·uK
I've tried every damn combination for the colour one...

1. counted the visual colours
2. counted the appearances of the words
3. combined both

...and still don't get the right solution :(

Any little hint please?

with this one I must admit to cheating a bit
I took the number of times the word yellow, green and purple appeared and created the formula x + yellow - green x purples.
Then I took a best guess at the actual number of colours on screen screen to make that x.
Then I increased the x number.
By luck I hit the right answer.
hint: x < 50 but >20 :)
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