Net Soccer

Ill be on after the footy guys - hopefully loads will be there - need some practise on my beautiful crosses :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I'll keep the server running all night :). Might be a bit laggy while footie is on as im downloading.

Will reboot computer and put it up just before footie ends so I can keep it up all night.
Right, pc defragged and rebooted, will keep server running all night :) Just hope it doesn't get laggy as it aint the best connection in the world :(.

server - OcUK
Pass - plop
DanTheMan said:
Right, pc defragged and rebooted, will keep server running all night :) Just hope it doesn't get laggy as it aint the best connection in the world :(.

server - OcUK
Pass - plop
Dan whats your con again - mines 4Mb d/l 512Kb u/l (NTL 4Mb) - did you have any issues as host as Im gonna try to for the tourny if required...

Did you use a seperate box? - need to rebuild mine otherwise - kinda in pieces after a Linux incident ;):p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I've got 2mb down, 512 up with BT. Had a tiny bit of lag when it was 8v8 but nothing too bad. Using same pc as I play on to run server, AMD 3200+, 1gig ram, 6800ultra, 80gig 7200rpm HD and it seems ok :).
DanTheMan said:
I've got 2mb down, 512 up with BT. Had a tiny bit of lag when it was 8v8 but nothing too bad. Using same pc as I play on to run server, AMD 3200+, 1gig ram, 6800ultra, 80gig 7200rpm HD and it seems ok :).
Cool I should be ok then - about the same PC specs too (a64 3000+, 1GB, X850XT PE, Raptor 74GB)...

BTW noticed who is hosting the tourny ;) *cough* *cough*...

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 said:
Cool I should be ok then - about the same PC specs too (a64 3000+, 1GB, X850XT PE, Raptor 74GB)...

BTW noticed who is hosting the tourny ;) *cough* *cough*...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I knew I should have done the draw by hand...
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