Net Soccer

Just had some awsome games,

Our keeper decided to die tho! just layed on the floor.

Need to get the hang of passing and shooting.

I love passing a good ball through.

Again soon I hope everyone.

Thanks Luke
Anybody want me to leave the server up overnight for them?

*EDIT* - Ill keep it up all night just incase :).
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Dont think so Spunj.

afraser2k said:
Highlight of the night was taking away Gord's legs just as he was about to cross the ball into the box. :D

Pah, that was definitely not the highlight.. not mine at least.. which would be dribbling it past you all! :p
Last night was fun.

Has the tournament started yet?

Would really like to play. put my name down when soccer was introduced to the forums but didn't get on a team
Just had some great games then :D. Was funny with the lag at the end when evryone just ran off the pitch and spunj still didn't manage to score lol.
DanTheMan said:
Just had some great games then :D. Was funny with the lag at the end when evryone just ran off the pitch and spunj still didn't manage to score lol.


I hit the crossbar... :o And i did score 2 in that game anyways!

/tries to convince himself he's a pro
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