Lovefilm doing 3 months for £4.99 in retaliation now...
Any way of signing up without Facebook?
Yup, click 'sign up with another address' underneath. You still get a free month!
Id sign up for trial if i didnt need to give my cc details
I was going to sign up as well until I realised they needed my cc details , why do they need them if its a trial???????
Its not like your trialing lovefilm or BB that send you discs that people could nick while on the trial.
I was going to sign up as well until I realised they needed my cc details , why do they need them if its a trial???????
Signed up this morning and had a quick look just to see what the quality was like. Definitely better than Lovefilm's stream but miles off 720p streaming from AppleTV. Going to keep it going for the free month, but unless the catalog of titles is massively updated, I will cancel before being billed.
I don't mind waiting a couple of days to get a BD disc in the mail from Lovefilm and I don't want to pay anymore than I already am. There is no disc service from Lovefilm at £4 so I can't get it low enough to justify spending £5.99 on Netflix.
Rumour has it that apple is going to be doing a subscription based model later in the year.