Netflix's Movie "Cuties"

The Conservatives were widely reported as using the slogan "if you want a ****** for a neighbour, vote Labour" but Colin Jordan, leader of the neo-Nazi British Movement, claimed that his members had produced the initial slogan as well as spread the poster and sticker campaign;

It was a small group of neo-Nazi's if you read it, you do realise that in America blacks being treated as second class citizens had the backing of government? the Democrats fought for hundreds of years to block civil rights laws. The KKK were an arm of the Democrat party.

As for the OP is anyone surprised? the west has no moral compass anymore.
Netflix have apologised, changed the movie poster and the synopsis now but is it too little too late? Seems to still be a meltdown on twitter with Netflix users cancelling their subscriptions

People just love to act offended now because they think it makes them relevant.

They could simply not watch it and get on with their lives.
What does GD think of this?
Also as if we didn't have enough of an issue with the alt right/QAnon conspiracy theorists who think there is some cabal of senior Hollywood execs & politicians who are secret paedos and meet up in pizza restaurants etc.. This is pure bait for that lot.

I'm not surprised that they are trying to release it. The media seem to be obsessed in normalizing this degeneracy.

It wouldnt surprise me if this has some backlash from the Muslim community.

Are these online streaming places covered by any regulation board? I am starting to wonder what kind of movies actually get stopped if this is being let through.
Haha brilliant.
Twitter is always having a meltdown about something. People need to stop giving a ****.

"If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to invent problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss." - Industrial Society and its Future
People just love to act offended now because they think it makes them relevant.

They could simply not watch it and get on with their lives.

They could be they would much rather show action and cancel their subscription.

Look at Goodyear. Their sales are going to be crucified now because they don't allow their staff to wear MAGA hats. Nothing to do with the product at all.
"If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to invent problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss." - Industrial Society and its Future

Seems to be the "righties" having a meltdown over this though? .Or are "righties" the new "lefties"?
Seems to be the "righties" having a meltdown over this though? .Or are "righties" the new "lefties"?

In the context of that paper, "leftism" [or modern leftism] refers to a particular psychological type who has feelings of insecurity and projects them onto others under the guise of political correctness, it's not necessarily equated with socialism.
He seems to be implying that the target audience is kids perhaps? At least he’s asserted that maybe you’re not the target audience and then elaborated with a link to a vid of a kids program.

Why he can’t just say what he means is a bit odd... but if that was his implication then he might want to note that the film is a 15... while it features an 11 yr old girl 11yr olds aren’t the target audience!

That should be obvious already without that fact being highlighted, but given the other comparisons made and inability to acknowledge some of the issues re: sexualising kids there too I guess it’s not something that registered with him.
Talk about the 3rd person why not. If you want to DM, take it to twitter. Yes, I was suggesting that just because we find a movie uninteresting, other audiences might not.

However I didn't realise it was a 15. That seems to rather narrow the appeal qutie a bit. Looking at the director, I wonder if this is partly an autobiographical story of her own childhood experiences.

Is it really up to a group of men sitting in front of keyboards to be the arbiters of what is the sexualisation of children. My friends have daughters around this age, and they seem to spend their lives dancing in front of their phones making 'tok toks'. Not sure what's worse* - but I do wonder who's watching all these videos. Fortunately my daughter isn't quite at that stage yet - and I've got no intention of allowing either of my kids access to social media until they're older.

I guess this is why every American teenage drama either uses 20 year olds to play the roles of young children, or includes ghosts and demons to distract the audience from those elements of the story.

Edit for the pedants/ * 'What's worse'. Hollywoods sexualisation of children, or childrens own actions via social media platforms.
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In the context of that paper, "leftism" [or modern leftism] refers to a particular psychological type who has feelings of insecurity and projects them onto others under the guise of political correctness, it's not necessarily equated with socialism.

Not sure the "righties" kicking off over this are doing it under the guise of policitcal correctness,. They are just taking this as a "pedo" film and proof that Hollywood and the movie industry is full of baby eating pedos.

Not sure any of that falls under your quote.
Why is a joke about masturbating to children funny? Have you any idea why I might find this offensive before you come out with this garbage?

GD really is a cesspit isnt it. If its not constant racism its jokes about masturbating over pictures of kids.

Because like most people I have the ability to separate humour intent from literal implications. Something you clearly lack.

I couldn't imagine being so offended on the internet of all things. :p
Because like most people I have the ability to separate humour intent from literal implications. Something you clearly lack.

I couldn't imagine being so offended on the internet of all things. :p

Yea I have that ability too mate...i just dont find jokes sexualising children and saying you're masturbating to children funny.
Are you offended by me calling out a joke as disgusting which was the mods clearly agreed with?

I'm not offended by anything, very little does, but i'm letting you know if you think this place is a cesspit, then i'm going to call you out on being here in the first place!
I'm not offended by anything, very little does, but i'm letting you know if you think this place is a cesspit, then i'm going to call you out on being here in the first place!

I usually post in other threads mate. Call out who you like...just like i will when someones making a joke about being a nonce.
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