Netflix's Movie "Cuties"

Netflix always providing edgy content with over sexualization of content teenagers and adults, their advertising of 'sex education' being a case in point,
and whatver this is, no such thing as bad publicity.

Will wholesome mother Meghan be handing back their payout, or Michel. #netflixtoo
Netflix always providing edgy content with over sexualization of content teenagers and adults, their advertising of 'sex education' being a case in point,
and whatver this is, no such thing as bad publicity.

Will wholesome mother Meghan be handing back their payout, or Michel. #netflixtoo

What content provider or network doesn't do this?

The BBC, ITV and C4 all appear to do it, so that's British television covered. All the US networks seem to as well... to varying degrees even with the US reluctance to show non-violent explicit content.
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I do love some hysteria in the morning.

In case anyone is interested before they start frothing too hard, it's worth noting that Cuties has been rated by the BBFC as a 15.

If you took or had in your possession images of young girls in the clothing and poses seen in 'Cuties' you would be liable for prosection.

There is an exception for prosecution for videos classified by the BBFC under section 63 of the CJA act 2009 but you could still be prosecuted if you took individual or multiple stills or video clips from the film!

Works classified by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)
Section 63 of the Act provides an exclusion from the offence for works classified by the British Board of Film Classification, (the BBFC), which is the designated authority under the Video Recordings Act 1984 (as repealed and revived by the Video Recordings Act 2010).

Subsection (2) defines the type of material that is excluded. An excluded image is one that forms part of a series of images contained in a recording of the whole or part of a classified work. In deciding whether an image does form part of such a series, subsection (5) clarifies that any alteration due to a technical defect, inadvertence or inclusion of extraneous material such as an advertisement is to be disregarded.

However, this exclusion for classified films does not apply if an image or images have been extracted from one or more classified films and the reason for their extraction appears to be solely or principally for the purposes of sexual arousal. This would be the case, for example, where a new video work has been created consisting of images from classified films. This question is determined by the same test as is set out in section 62, that is, by consideration of the image itself and the context in which it appears.

Let that sink in.... A BBFC rating does not preclude extracted sections of the work being classified in law, in England and Wales, as being indecent image of children for which you could be prosecuted.

Which given it's not even the highest rating for wide distribution (and anything remotely like child porn would not even get a rating, it would be banned if not outright illegal*), suggests that it's not "child porn".

As above you are talking from a point or ignorance.... A BBFC rating does not preclude extracted parts of a larger work being classified as being indecent images of children. The actual BBFC rating is irrelevant.

Also lumping child porn in with homosexuality and transexuality says far, far more about the person making the claim than it does about people who are LBGT.

The problem is that there is quite a bit of evidence linking prominent LGBT advocacy groups and individuals to the promotion of a very socially permissive attitude towards (older) adults having sex with children.

In the late 70s, when the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) reared its ugly head, it won support from some gay men and libertarians, who bought the line that these abusers were an "oppressed sexual minority" and invited them to join the "rainbow coalition" of transsexuals, adult nappy wearers and other "sexual outlaws". The hideous PIE publication, Paedophilia: The Radical Case, was favourably reviewed by Gay News and other gay publications.

Tatchell himself had the following to say about adults having sex with children.

Ross Coward (Who dares to speak says nothing useful June 23) thinks its "shocking" that Gay mens press has published a book, Dares to Speak, that challenges the assumption that all sex involving children and adults is abusive.

Several of my friends, gay and straight, male and female had sex with adults from the ages of nine to thirteen

Here an account from a gay man who runs a charity in Manchester for men who have been victims of sexual abuse.

“I was brought up on an estate in Manchester in the late seventies and people knew each other,” Duncan said. “Everyone was your ‘auntie’ or ‘uncle’ - it was a real Mancunian upbringing.

“I met this youth worker, I don’t remember how it first started. All I can think is that I must have been around 11 or 12 when he started buying me records and cigarettes and sometimes alcohol and Coca Cola. We would call it grooming now but we didn’t even have a word for it back then.

“He would try play fighting which I can now recognise as another level of grooming. I don’t remember it in sequence - it’s not a story I can put together.

“I remember being near the reservoirs, him grabbing me and being really scared. As I got older things just seemed to get older with it. At that time I didn’t understand what rape was. Nobody spoke to us about sexual violence back then. I didn’t tell anybody, and didn’t recognise it as abuse.”

If LGBT advocacy groups and individuals don't want to be associated with child abuse it might help to have a greater degree of internal opposition to thoose involved and advocating it.

Its also an interesting point to note that i don't think you can construct a logically defensible position that would say that a pre pubescent child can commit to life altering surgery /drugs (like puberty blockers) and yet not be able to consent to having sex.

Either such children have the capacity to consent to both or neither.
I sometimes feel with things like this it is almost down on the viewer. While it's not my type of film and I won't be watching it I did watch the trailer the last time this was brought up and I didn't really feel like I was watching anything wild or even remotely close to child pornography.

Had a friend kept saying I was a nonce if I didn't see it as porn, or something. Had to show it to a few other people, mostly women, and they didn't see the child porn angle either.

Having worked in a few secondary schools now I can say if you think young girls aren't dancing like that when messing around with one another you must be naive as hell.

This song was from 1998 so it's not like the cuties film is anything new.

Perhaps, just a thought, if your first thing about seeing girls dance is 'OMG CHILD PORNOGRAPHY' then maybe that's something that's going on inside your own head and it's you seeing them as sexual things.
The BBC, ITV and C4 all appear to do it, so that's British television covered. All the US networks seem to as well... to varying degrees even with the US reluctance to show non-violent explicit content.
yes you are right ...but netflix started it .. I must watch harlots , I don't think shameless, skins, or even inbetweeners were as bankrupt.
I sometimes feel with things like this it is almost down on the viewer. While it's not my type of film and I won't be watching it I did watch the trailer the last time this was brought up and I didn't really feel like I was watching anything wild or even remotely close to child pornography.

Had a friend kept saying I was a nonce if I didn't see it as porn, or something. Had to show it to a few other people, mostly women, and they didn't see the child porn angle either.

Having worked in a few secondary schools now I can say if you think young girls aren't dancing like that when messing around with one another you must be naive as hell.

This song was from 1998 so it's not like the cuties film is anything new.

Perhaps, just a thought, if your first thing about seeing girls dance is 'OMG CHILD PORNOGRAPHY' then maybe that's something that's going on inside your own head and it's you seeing them as sexual things.
From watching the trailer I'd agree there were only hints if what I'd consider softcore porn, but I've seen clips shared elsewhere which definitely do look like softcore porn to me. And let's not forget that seems to basically be the premise of the film - kids performing softcore porn!

Maybe girls in schools are dancing like this, but isn't that a symptom of the problem people are talking about, that sexualised behaviours are becoming normalised for younger and younger children? There's nothing 'innocent' about that type of dancing, it's overtly sexual.

From the tone of the trailer it definitely didn't seem like Cuties is gong to do anything to fight this. If anything the mood seemed to be 'prudish mums want to stop their 11 year old daughters from having fun and doing the normal childhood activity of dressing up like exotic dancers and waggling for strangers on a stage'. That is promoting sexualisation of children in my book. I really don't want to watch the film myself (and don't have a netflix subscription), so I'll go on the trailer and clips people have shared elsewhere.

That Britney video is a different kettle of fish - she's 16, not 11 for one thing (I think?), and the dancing is not actually as sexual as dancing in the film. Yes, if we had a completely moral entertainment industry its probably not a great thing for 16 year old to be dancing in a sexualised way in a school, but at least she's 16!

Great deflection - maybe the peoe who feel uncomfortable watching prepubescent girls dance like strippers are the real weirdos? I disagree.
Just looks like a Step Up type film for a younger crowd. Certainly not child pornography.

I hope nobody gets "f'd in the a"!?
The Britney Spears comparison is a bit laughable really.
Was Britney doing simulated sex acts in the video like dry humping the
Did Britney expose
Was Britney 11 years

I have seen some clips of the film on Twitter and there is no excuse for it. You could have easily made the points the film is supposedly trying to make without venturing into the territory it does. Its just plain twisted and a lot of sick individuals will be over the moon this material is mainstream.
Come to think about it. Keira Knightly, whilst 16 when released, had her 15 year old tiddies out in 'The Hole' did she not?
The Britney Spears comparison is a bit laughable really.
Was Britney doing simulated sex acts in the video like dry humping the
Did Britney expose
Was Britney 11 years

I have seen some clips of the film on Twitter and there is no excuse for it. You could have easily made the points the film is supposedly trying to make without venturing into the territory it does. Its just plain twisted and a lot of sick individuals will be over the moon this material is mainstream.

Is it mainstream? I didn't even hear of it until the thread popped up.

Regardless, I feel that it's rather irrelevant (in the wider scope of this argument), if society is going to sexualise adults which it does... constantly, there is no reasonable way to stop children seeing it without restricting everyone's freedoms, so how far are you willing to go?
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