**** me
@Junglist, I'm pretty disturbed that you're trying hard to defend this trash. Have you actually sat down the movie and watch it? If you haven't then i think you'll do a complete 180 once you have.
So I decided to bite the bullet and watch the thing so that I can categorically say I know what I'm ******* talking about when it comes to this movie. I don't care to talk about how i saw it but I wasn't going to give Netflix a penny over this. Also, I didn't actually watch any trailers or clips as i usually like to go into movies blind so i don't get influenced as i consider myself a film buff and it's my main hobby. All i've seen is the poster that everyone was talking about that they pulled and the #cancellnetflix trending on Twitter.
The main summary i could give is that this is a steaming pile of excrement that deserves every print and copy of this movie to be burnt and buried deep like those ET cartridges. To systematically try to erase this from existence like Goerge Lucus did with the Star Wars Holiday Special. It's as every bit as bad as you'd imagine it to be and way worse than the impression the controversial poster hinted at. I have never given a movie 0/10 before, but i would give it to this.
It just makes you feel so bad inside that there are girls out there that can live this way and parents who don't give a **** what their pre-pubescent girls are up to who their role models are.
All the girls in this movie act like trashy getto black women and you have to wonder how they learned this behavior, there's a fight scene in the middle of the movie that just reminds me of these US fight videos in getto where two fat black women lay into each other and it's the same thing here. Funnily enough, the two worst out of the group is the white girl with the blond hair and the east-asian looking one with the glasses. And the movie actually focuses a lot on the latter.
So, the main defenders of the movie say it isn't CP, I'd say it's pretty much there, but the most disturbing thing about it is this film tries to normalize girls behaving this way and that somehow rebelling against "conservative" parents is somehow a positive thing. And here we are folks, we have gone so far down the degenerate route and allow degenerates to have their way in the drip drip effect that we now have them trying to normalize trash. There's no way nonces wouldn't be able to get their rocks off from this and it's a travesty that this thing exists, I'm all for art for art's sake but there's a line and I think this film frankly crosses it and if it was banned I wouldn't blame anyone or be upset about it.
Those who try to defend this by saying it's the same as the Brittany Spears video are a joke, those who say it's no worse then girls dancing in the playground are a joke, those who say it's a commentary on sexual exploitation are a joke. 99% of the movie is 11-year-old girls fighting so that they can dance like whores and then quite literally the in the last 2 minutes the Main Character freaks out at end the final dance, runs off stage, runs home, and ghosts all the other girls without another word. If feels like it was that tacked on at the end so they can say it gives the film legitimacy, but it doesn't, it's thinly veiled and it obvious that it's glorifying this behavior.
Sorry but for anyone trying to defend this movie as art, if you haven't seen it you're being ignorant, if you have and still defend it, there's something deeply wrong with you, a bit sick and frankly suspect