Netgear D7000 VDSL modem/router

Yes, you can change it but by default, and this is all on that link the address is

Now, a lot of people use that as thier gateway address, I never have so it did not affect me.

See my earlier post on my own setup. My LAN gateway is at and my DHCP range is set to be from 100 to 150, thus allowing 1.1 to be clear and in no danger of affecting anything. I use a few statics between .30 and .100
Very tempted to pick a D7000 up - is there a better ac router with an integrated VDSL modem out there at the moment?

And can the D7000 be wall mounted?

I would maybe hang fire for the new Billion 8900 series of devices due out in January although will probably be the cheaper of the two when it is out.
The D7000 is a decent device if you are on a Huawei cab. It appears some on ECI cabs are having some issues with it.
There are two slots on the back of the D7000 for wall mounting if required.
The D7000 is a decent device if you are on a Huawei cab. It appears some on ECI cabs are having some issues with it.

How would I go about finding out what sort of cabinet I'm on?

Also, having done some reading it appears that the older Asus DSL-AC68U is the D7000's main competitor - is there much to separate these two models in real-world usage in terms of stability and wireless performance as I can see the Asus model a good £40 cheaper than the Netgear??
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Firstly, go onto the by DSL checker and punch in your number.

You should get a cabinet number. Take a walk around local to your area for that cabinet and grab a screen shot. Then compare it to one of these...

Having used both the dsl-ac68u and the d7000, the d7000 wins every time for me. It was far more stable on my line, higher sync rate, millions less errors, greater range and speed with WiFi. The Asus did have better configuration and options but that's about it.
Thanks for the info!

Looking at getting a D7000 in the next day or so but thought it might be a good idea to better understand the actual statistics on the various routers so I can compare!

Could anyone give me a bit of an insight into my current stats via my TP Link modem router (TD-W9980) as follows:


Current Rate (Kbps) - 19999
Max Rate (Kbps) - 30294
SNR Margin (dB) - 15.5
Line Attenuation (dB) - 13.7
Errors (Pkts) - 0


Current Rate (Kbps) - 79997
Max Rate (Kbps) - 91594
SNR Margin (dB) - 9
Line Attenuation (dB) - 13.2
Errors (Pkts) - 0

Is there anything here that looks out of "the norm"??
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Flash instructions on Kitz

You want firmware SP08, there's a link on that page.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm halfway there. After a few hours of trying to load the firmware, and failing miserably, I turned to a very old PC that I use as a media centre and hey presto, it connected and worked.

So I now have access through the GUI but despite trawling through Kitz and other sites, I cannot find an idiot's guide to step by step config for Sky FTTC.

If one exists, could you point me please? (I bet it's obvious!).

You don't need to do anything. Plug in the or modem, change the d7000 to use EWAN rather than DSL and plug the EWAN port of the d7000 into port 1 of the or modem. Job done.
You don't need to do anything. Plug in the or modem, change the d7000 to use EWAN rather than DSL and plug the EWAN port of the d7000 into port 1 of the or modem. Job done.

But what about the Sky password/ logon thingy? And do I need to change the IP address so that it is in the range of the D7000?
So here's why I am confused (and I warned you that I would be! :-) ) I thought that one of the main benefits of setting this up as a bridge was that the D7000 could then be rebooted at will whilst the HG612 held up the connection. If the D7000 still manages the authentication, won't the connection drop if the D7000 goes off line?

Best, David
Nope, coz authentication is not carried out on the VDSL connection itself.

After some issues with the router having changed from dhcp to static, (very odd!) I have connected. Dissapointingly, I have gone back to square one and have lost 2 Mb of sync speed. I haven't yet to set up the dslstats connection so can't analyse further but feeling pretty gutted ATM.:confused:

Are there any other tweaks that I should be aware of that will get me the best speed?


UPDATE: Can't access the HG612 GUI with Not sure whether I have to change the IP address of the HG to be part of the router's subnet.
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HG612 should be by default

Set your D7000 router IP to

On the D7000 set the DHCP server to allocate from onwards to avoid any IP conflict

You should then be able to access the HG612
Has anyone experienced any issues using the Synology Download Station with the D7000?

I swapped for the Netgear yesterday but I can't seem to get the torrent downloading (uploading seems to work OK!?!) working - I assume it's a port issue but looking at the settings on my old TP Link router, I didn't need to open any ports before!
Any assistance is appreciated!
HG612 should be by default

Set your D7000 router IP to

On the D7000 set the DHCP server to allocate from onwards to avoid any IP conflict

You should then be able to access the HG612

Thanks for this. As my existing lan is set up for 192.168.0.XX, wouldn't it make sense to change the IP address of the HG?

Thanks for this. As my existing lan is set up for 192.168.0.XX, wouldn't it make sense to change the IP address of the HG?


You can try, I'm sure I tried it once on my old HG612 and it didn't like it... :confused:

But if you want to yes, apply the same logic.

Make the HG612 0.1, the D7000 0.2 and set DHCP to allocate 0.10 onwards.
I thought long and hard about making further changes but the bottom line is that the HG612 synced at a lower rate than my D7000 so I didin't see the value in more networking changes. I am soooo disapointed! So, I have reverted beck to the D7000 as a modem/router. I guess I need to wait for someone to come up with a bridging mode for the SR102 which seems to have the best sync.

For info, I am running the V1.0.0.20_TEST_1014_1.0.1 firmware. I was given other test firmware by Netgear but all the others dropped a couple of meg when sync'd so I have stuck with this for a few months. Hopefully, Netgear will be able to improve the modem firmware in the not too distant future. They must be due to release something soon!
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