Netgears new VDSL / ADSL Modem Router with AC wireless (D6400)

The WiFi is actually stronger on this than the Asus believe it or not. I'm impressed.

They both have Beamforming but Netgear have a more optimized version they call Beamforming+, however ASUS uses external antennas which can help sometimes, although their are plenty of routers with internal antennas that are better than external ones just purely due to better wireless amplification.

So yeah I would believe it ))) :P
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Most folk including myself would just assume the external antennas give better range. I'm really impressed with the range of the netgear.
If I can sort the VPN and the WiFi speeds then it would be staying.
I'm not too fussed on the frequency of firmware updates due to possibly being more reliable unlike the Asus mentality of it is broke, let's break it further.
Most folk including myself would just assume the external antennas give better range. I'm really impressed with the range of the netgear.
If I can sort the VPN and the WiFi speeds then it would be staying.
I'm not too fussed on the frequency of firmware updates due to possibly being more reliable unlike the Asus mentality of it is broke, let's break it further.

You might want to Enable Implicit BEAMFORMING as well for better speeds in advanced wireless settings.
OK, I've tried everything suggested such as beamforming, changing channels etc etc but nothing has worked so far.
I'm going to play about with the Asus tomorrow and do some speed tests then compare.
OK, I've tried everything suggested such as beamforming, changing channels etc etc but nothing has worked so far.
I'm going to play about with the Asus tomorrow and do some speed tests then compare.

That is a shame, your ASUS PCE-AC68 wireless card may not like the D6400 very well, have you set it to maximum power and disabled any power management for it in device manager? Got any walls in-between it and the router?

Any reason you cannot put some CAT 6 cabling through from the router to your PC?
I've tried a whole abundance of settings. A few changes helped slightly but still not getting my full speeds unfortunately.
The main PC is at the top of the stairs and the router at the bottom so a straight line of sight really. I will be running some cable once I lift the carpet for replacing. That may be some time away though.
I think I'll be returning the D6400 unfortunately. As much as I like the stability of the unit along with WiFi range, I just don't feel 100% happy with it. Could I have a faulty unit? Possibly. Even though I moved away from the dual modem and separate router combo, I'm actually being tempted back by getting a solid modem where I can easily get stats and buying a separate AC capable router. I'll try a few more things tomorrow but if that doesn't work it will be shipped back.
With the separates, I actually enjoyed being able to reset the router without upsetting the modem.
8 days of stats using the Netgear. The modem is solid and no fluctuations at all.

DSLAM/MSAN type:        	BDCM:0xa485 / v0xa485
Modem/router firmware:  	AnnexA version - A2pv6F039j.d25d
DSL mode:               	VDSL2 Profile 17a
Status:                 	Showtime
Resyncs:                	0 (since 31 May 2015 12:58:02)
				Downstream	Upstream
Line attenuation (dB):  	17.5		0.0
Signal attenuation (dB):	Not monitored		
Connection speed (kbps):	74000		20000
SNR margin (dB):        	7.5		9.7
Power (dBm):            	13.6		7.5
Interleave depth:       	16		8
INP:                    	49.00		47.00
G.INP:                  	Enabled		

RSCorr/RS (%):          	0.0221		7.0520
RSUnCorr/RS (%):        	0.0000		0.0000
ES/hour:                	0		0

adslctl info --stats
adslctl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason:    0
Last initialization procedure status:   0
Max:    Upstream rate = 26040 Kbps, Downstream rate = 80441 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 74000 Kbps
Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
Link Power State:       L0
Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:            No Defect
Training Status:        Showtime
                Down            Up
SNR (dB):        7.5             9.7
Attn(dB):        17.5            0.0
Pwr(dBm):        13.6            7.5

                        VDSL2 framing
                        Bearer 0
MSGc:           -6              -6
B:              174             97
M:              1               1
T:              0               0
R:              8               8
S:              0.0752          0.1554
L:              19456           5457
D:              16              8
I:              183             106
N:              183             106
Q:              16              8
V:              3               2
RxQueue:                42              39
TxQueue:                14              13
G.INP Framing:          18              18
G.INP lookback:         14              13
RRC bits:               24              24
                        Bearer 1
MSGc:           154             58
B:              0               0
M:              2               2
T:              2               2
R:              16              16
S:              6.4000          16.0000
L:              40              16
D:              3               1
I:              32              32
N:              32              32
Q:              0               0
V:              0               0
RxQueue:                0               0
TxQueue:                0               0
G.INP Framing:          0               0
G.INP lookback:         0               0
RRC bits:               0               0

                        Bearer 0
OHF:            0               0
OHFErr:         2               13
RS:             2515510368              2428593
RSCorr:         554115          61355
RSUnCorr:       0               0
                        Bearer 1
OHF:            43355392                533362
OHFErr:         0               0
RS:             433553307               2301221
RSCorr:         2129            299
RSUnCorr:       0               0

                        Retransmit Counters
rtx_tx:         388043          5110
rtx_c:          19178           17972
rtx_uc:         2               73044

                        G.INP Counters
LEFTRS:         456             84
minEFTR:        74006           19997
errFreeBits:    785859680               1521542996

                        Bearer 0
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    317187817               0
Data Cells:     325251717               0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

                        Bearer 1
HEC:            0               0
OCD:            0               0
LCD:            0               0
Total Cells:    0               0
Data Cells:     0               0
Drop Cells:     0
Bit Errors:     0               0

ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            31              31
AS:             696400

                        Bearer 0
INP:            49.00           47.00
INPRein:        0.00            0.00
delay:          0               0
PER:            0.00            0.00
OR:             0.01            0.01
AgR:            74132.27        20102.08

                        Bearer 1
INP:            4.50            4.00
INPRein:        4.50            4.00
delay:          3               0
PER:            16.06           16.06
OR:             79.68           31.87
AgR:            79.68   31.87

Bitswap:        85324/85329             9058/9063

Total time = 8 days 1 hours 27 min 11 sec
FEC:            554115          61355
CRC:            2               13
ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            31              31
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 15 minutes time = 12 min 11 sec
FEC:            65              0
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:            84              16
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Latest 1 day time = 1 hours 27 min 11 sec
FEC:            1515            92
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC:            62119           2103
CRC:            0               0
ES:             0               0
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
Since Link time = 8 days 1 hours 26 min 39 sec
FEC:            554115          61355
CRC:            2               13
ES:             2               3
SES:            0               0
UAS:            0               0
LOS:            0               0
LOF:            0               0
LOM:            0               0
NTR: mipsCntAtNtr=0 ncoCntAtNtr=0
I think I'll be returning the D6400 unfortunately. As much as I like the stability of the unit along with WiFi range, I just don't feel 100% happy with it. Could I have a faulty unit? Possibly. Even though I moved away from the dual modem and separate router combo, I'm actually being tempted back by getting a solid modem where I can easily get stats and buying a separate AC capable router. I'll try a few more things tomorrow but if that doesn't work it will be shipped back.
With the separates, I actually enjoyed being able to reset the router without upsetting the modem.

I doubt you have a faulty unit, just some combos of card and router just do not work perfectly as they should sometimes, I have no issues with Intel AC 7260 in my laptop with only dual antenna etc, but not tried with a triple antenna asus pcie card so I cannot say what should work for you.

Wireless is still not a technology I rely on when I do not have to, hence always run cat 6 cabling through the house, I only rely on wireless for phones and tablets and the odd laptop for family.
Yes, You are probably right. It probably is just a mismatch of items.
I would love to have my house fully networked but at present this os my only option. As I've just not long moved in, I have to get other things done until I can then get on the nice to haves. Hopefully later in the year I'll be able to pull in proper runs.
I've just tested with two other AC capable devices at the same range. They are showing exactly the same speed test results as I'm seeing using the ASUS PCI card. Signal strength shows 100% but speed drops off fairly rapidly. If I go nearer to the device I get full speeds. This is just up the stairs on a line of sight test. Nothing in the way at all. Just for information.
It is a common issue in many AC Wireless routers, something like NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 AC3200 would be much better in this regard or the latest ASUS AC3200.
If they D6400 gave the speed the Asus did at the distance I required then it would be kept in a heartbeat. It may improve with firmware updates as the D6300 did. By then I may look back into it. The modem on the D6400 is solid. It took everything thrown at it.
I've just tested with two other AC capable devices at the same range. They are showing exactly the same speed test results as I'm seeing using the ASUS PCI card. Signal strength shows 100% but speed drops off fairly rapidly. If I go nearer to the device I get full speeds. This is just up the stairs on a line of sight test. Nothing in the way at all. Just for information.

Out of interest what operating system are you using? The issue you have described can often be down to windows settings for networked devices. IF IT IS Windows Have you tried running TCP Optimizer?

make a note of ALL settings it displays upon loading, also save the current config when you have loaded the app. (File > Backup current settings).

Then select your wireless network adapter in the Network adpater selection drop down box, move the speed slider up to what your connection speed runs at or as near as you can get it (around 74Mb for you) click "Optimal at the bottom, click apply changes.

Shutdown PC entirely (complete power off)
Power off and power the router back on (wait 30 seconds or if you feel really up to testing reset the router entirely)
Power router back on
Power computer back up

Now run speed tests, does that help? If not or it is worse reload TCP optimizer and load back the backed up settings... Then go through the above powering up and down bit again to go back to normal.

If you are running a linux variety you need to alter RWIN via command line. Ill go into that more if needed.

If its a MAC i have no idea.
Out of interest what operating system are you using? The issue you have described can often be down to windows settings for networked devices. IF IT IS Windows Have you tried running TCP Optimizer?

make a note of ALL settings it displays upon loading, also save the current config when you have loaded the app. (File > Backup current settings).

Then select your wireless network adapter in the Network adpater selection drop down box, move the speed slider up to what your connection speed runs at or as near as you can get it (around 74Mb for you) click "Optimal at the bottom, click apply changes.

Shutdown PC entirely (complete power off)
Power off and power the router back on (wait 30 seconds or if you feel really up to testing reset the router entirely)
Power router back on
Power computer back up

Now run speed tests, does that help? If not or it is worse reload TCP optimizer and load back the backed up settings... Then go through the above powering up and down bit again to go back to normal.

If you are running a linux variety you need to alter RWIN via command line. Ill go into that more if needed.

If its a MAC i have no idea.

Hi mate, I just returned the item as I've ran out of time. I'm running win 7 64bit at the moment.
I've had to stop all testing as I'm off to Korea for a month so will resume in July.
Hi mate, I just returned the item as I've ran out of time. I'm running win 7 64bit at the moment.
I've had to stop all testing as I'm off to Korea for a month so will resume in July.

Oh well, may or may not have solved it, shame you have returned the item, hope you have a nice time in Korea :)
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