
Really enjoyed and afternoon playing that. Got a trickster rogue to just under level 11. Pretty fun! Shame about the stealth mechanic being only a short time which is annoying.

Not sure if I want to try any other classes out as I am always more attracted to the DPS classes.

rogue is the number one DPS class in the game atm.

you will also get a skill that if when you land it the enemy dies it refills your stealth meter, you can stay in near perma stealth at times (PvE)
I tend to forget about stealth during combat - do you get some sort of damage bonus for striking whilst invisible?

I only remember to use it when I'm trying to sneak past some beasties without agro'ing them!
Been playing this with a freind up to level 21, havent died yet and so far its super easy and the questing leveling feels a little wrong, its a shame cause i like it but so fare even the skirmishes and instances are not really hard.

By 21 surely me and my friend should have wiped at least once.
Playing this made me and my mates move back to SW:TOR. much better game imo. Enjoyed NW and may go back to it, but at the moment as mentioned above; just a bit easy (like above - have only died once and that was when I lagged and fell off the map - lol). SW:TOR offers much more depth, variety and a better leveling experience at the moment.
its also ruined as a free to play game where as i can play neverwinter for nothing if i log on my SWTOR main he cant wear any of his gear and doesnt have enough toolbars to use his skills.
its also ruined as a free to play game where as i can play neverwinter for nothing if i log on my SWTOR main he cant wear any of his gear and doesnt have enough toolbars to use his skills.

Agreed - the FTP model for SW:TOR is awful, unplayable even. I have personally subbed and do not mind doing so. In two months though I will have still paid less than I did on NW. But FTP model is better for NW imo; you can actually play it FTP. Though I do think you will end up dropping some RL money on it at some point.
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Been playing this with a freind up to level 21, havent died yet and so far its super easy and the questing leveling feels a little wrong, its a shame cause i like it but so fare even the skirmishes and instances are not really hard.

By 21 surely me and my friend should have wiped at least once.

Things start to get harder from about level 30 and up.
The patch is 1.6Gb for me... and downloading at 50kbs :/

Yea it gets harder past lvl 35ish, I die a lot now, but i think thats down to me speccing wrong.
Right im having a problem, my camera is either constantly spinning or looking into the sky. Sometimes it just fixes itself other times its left it unplayable. Anyone else had this?
Only just (past few days) started playing this, have to say, pleasantly pleased. Fantastic graphics for a free game and pretty interesting and weighty combat. Enjoying it so far!
Id like to know if its any good as well. Never bothered which is rare, normally I give all the MMos the benefit of the doubt, just it looked so bad in reviews and early play trough's.
I think it has improved a lot since release. They added 3 new modules so far and 1 new class (the Hunter Ranger)

1 Update is 20v20 PVP for guilds (which I think they are changing soon because nobody really plays it).
The other 2 are Lv 60 Areas which offer stat rewards for completion.

The game is nothing groundbreaking and I always say that if you are looking for something innovative this probably won't be your thing, but it seems to be coming along nicely and I still play every day (pretty much)

As with so many of these games, it comes down to the community for me. I managed to stumble across a really fun guild and that goes a long way to making things enjoyable.

As I said in another thread, I don't think this game is the Pay 2 Win experience many people have pegged it as. Personally, I don't feel anything puts you at a competitive disadvantage other than an epic mount for PVP. You can spend a tenner buying one, or you can buy one using the in game currency. 1 takes you a few seconds and some hard earned cash, the other would take me about a week or so to farm. I played the game for 6 months before deciding I would buy a pack to add an Epic mount to each Character I rolled (along with numerous other bonuses). It cost me about £40, but I have been playing for almost a year now so I feel I have had good value for my money.

Personally, I really like the game.

This would probably be a good time to get on board if you are interested in PVP. They are about to overhaul the PVP system which will really annoy people like me who have been playing for months and building up gear. The new update will make all that gear redundant and suitable for PVE only. For somebody just starting however, that will give you a bit of time to level a character or 2 to figure out what you like, then be ready to play PVP like a demon when the new changes come into play.

If you get started and want a guild, hit me up on this thread and I will leave some details for you to contact me in-game. My guild is mostly North American with a couple of Germans thrown into the mix, so it would be good to add a few more people from my timezone :D It's a good group and personally, it is what makes the experience worthwhile.

Similarly, if you want any advice then let me know. I currently have 4 Characters and between me and my partner we play every class in the game to a respectable level.

The most popular classes are the Hunter and the GWF but the only class to avoid right now is the Guardian fighter. They made it kinda redundant by making the GWF a more viable tank. Hunters are fun, but because they are the new character and everyone rolled one, their gear is insanely expensive right now. Worth considering if you are in 2 minds.
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The most popular classes are the Hunter and the GWF but the only class to avoid right now is the Guardian fighter. They made it kinda redundant by making the GWF a more viable tank. Hunters are fun, but because they are the new character and everyone rolled one, their gear is insanely expensive right now. Worth considering if you are in 2 minds.

Recently re-installed this myself, heard about how the Guardian was nerfed into the ground which is sad as I found my oriignal toon enjoyable in the 1st month or 2 I played at launch. Rolled a cleric, only about level 20 but its a fun experiance, and well the FR setting is a place I enjoy visisting, I like the lore etc.
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