Can I ask please guys and gals that when posting your account details that you follow this template:
Steam Account ID: antarbolaeisk
Steam Name: Antar Bolaeisk
Steam Hompage (optional):
It makes my life slightly easier by merit of the fact that I don't need to follow several clicks to add people to the list. Those who have already posted have been added but please, for those following, don't fall into a "see sig" approach.
Remember, the clearer you post your details the easier it is for people to add you
While I'm at it, I took the liberty of compiling the existing list of users into a google doc that everyone can access:
Antar it's just a thought but would you like me to share the access with you and you can get FrenchTart to link it in his OP?
Sounds good z0mbi3 Antar has also emailed me about another method of storing the date. We need to discuss it a bit I think.
thefrenchtart at for sharage, please
Sounds good z0mbi3 Antar has also emailed me about another method of storing the date. We need to discuss it a bit I think.
thefrenchtart at for sharage, please
Am I right in thinking people really need to post their steam IDs rather than just their steam names? I was trying out a macro to grab links to the profile pages last night but it doesn't work for people whose steam names produce multiple results when searched for.
That's correct, yeah.
Sadly I only realised that when I'd already got about three tables worth of steam names :/
It wouldn't be a problem if everyone was a member of the steam group, but they aren't unfortunately.
Yeah...benefits of hindsight I guess
Btw: Anatar's latest update added.
It's fine by me but as Antar's the one that has been doing the work lately it's prob best to let him comment