New Arma Invade and Annex Server

I do use TS sometimes, but I hate people so I tend to just lonewolf around to be honest. Did have some fun on your server though and will be on tomorrow night for a bit. When I say I hate people it is not the shy hate, it is the hate where I call people names and get banned so I keep myself to myself lol. The keys Melbo gave you are probs the only addons you need as they allow you to join if you have them or not.

In fact the only person I can tolerate on TS is derv, he is/was a CPC guy. Melbo and marker are in my non hate list as well.
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Might be worth looking at seeing if ALiVE have a version that works with A&A or Patrol Ops?

Caches the AI when they are not in range of any players so really helps with the server fps.

Mod wise, anything from LAxemann is pretty amazing. VTS could be a good shout also.

Also these are always good to have:

The carry option for wounded players should probably be taken out. It's buggy as....Arma.

I've got a half decent PvP mission you can use if you get the numbers for it. Small infantry sector control is the name of the game.
I do use TS sometimes, but I hate people so I tend to just lonewolf around to be honest. Did have some fun on your server though and will be on tomorrow night for a bit. When I say I hate people it is not the shy hate, it is the hate where I call people names and get banned so I keep myself to myself lol. The keys Melbo gave you are probs the only addons you need as they allow you to join if you have them or not.

In fact the only person I can tolerate on TS is derv, he is/was a CPC guy. Melbo and marker are in my non hate list as well.

Lol love this ! Glad you enjoyed it ! There are several rooms on TS i can add a "i hate everyone" channel just for you where anything goes lol !
Might be worth looking at seeing if ALiVE have a version that works with A&A or Patrol Ops?

Caches the AI when they are not in range of any players so really helps with the server fps.

Mod wise, anything from LAxemann is pretty amazing. VTS could be a good shout also.

Also these are always good to have:

The carry option for wounded players should probably be taken out. It's buggy as....Arma.

I've got a half decent PvP mission you can use if you get the numbers for it. Small infantry sector control is the name of the game.

Cheers chap, always happy to add any bikeys in to allow people to enhance their game as long as it does not give them a big advantage. Not sure if this server will ever go pvp but i could open a second one for this if the server starts filling up.

Slowly building up some regular players as i need some additional admins as im obviously not alway on myself. But im hoping to get the server to a stage where its becoming full and needing more slots adding
What you need is a custom PvP mission. Huge city with just ground troops, or maybe a bit bigger with unarmed vehicles and no helis/planes.

/me looks at Melbo
I'll be on tonight after 8pm, what ts3 are we using?

Also, would you like a a mission on the x-cam prototype map, can make a pvp one up pretty quickly.


You should also list all of the mods that are available to use on your server in the OP..
In fact you could have different PvP maps each week I guess to keep it fresh, or every 2/3 weeks depending on how you feel. Trouble with AI missions is the AI.... They spot you miles away and they could shoot the head of a pin in one shot.
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Might be worth running TFR on the server and your TS so those of us who want to use it can :)

Beats the hell out of ingame voip.
Might be worth running TFR on the server and your TS so those of us who want to use it can :)

Beats the hell out of ingame voip.

Totally agree with the previous two comments.

Melbo, why don't you port your latest mission over to x-cam prototype?
Ok, in case anyone doesn't know how to run mods with A3 or A2 even. Here is a short tutorial that will get you up and running in moments.

First of all we need Arma3 Sync, or any other launcher. Get A3 sync from here

To download your mods use play with six, get it from here.
You do not need to register to download mods.

1. Create a Mod folder, it does not need to be one the same drive as your A3 install
2. Fire up play with six, go into the settings and direct the download path to your mod folder. It should auto find your A3 install, although we wont use it to launch A3.
3. Either browse the recommended mods via the Play w 6 browser, search for name, or browse through all the supported mods.
4. Create a collection on the main mod screen, you can see it in the image below. Then for each mod you want to install, click the add to active collection icon to the right of the name (small folder icon with + sign).


5. Once you have all your mods chosen, click install, bottom left. The launch icon changes to install when mods are waiting to be installed.

6. Fire up A3 sync and goto the 3rd tab along, Launcher Options.

The options I have chosen are pretty standard ones. The launcher should find you A3 install, if not just browse to it as standard.

7. Goto the second tab along, addon options, very simply hit the + icon, browse to your mod folder and click ok.

8. The main screen, this is where everything is chosen from. Tab 1 from the left, Addons. Once you go to this screen after choosing your mod folder as above. You should see a list of your mods available to use down the left hand side. If not, then hit refresh. I always have mine as a list as in the image below.

Now, on the right hand side, right click anywhere that is blank, and Add Group. Try to keep them organised, ie sound, vehicle, maps etc. Next step is to drag the @nameofmod folder from the left and drop it onto your group name. Once this is done for all you mods, you can choose to select all by ticking the group, or singular by ticking the mod name.

9. Hit start game and find the server you want via the standard in game browser.

Excuse the typos on the images :).

Don't forget you can get mods from Armaholic or even directly from the BIS forums. Just drop them into your mod folder and they will appear in your launcher list..
Don't think we have the numbers for PvP quite yet!

For those using mods, remember to make sure that CBA is running before any other mods.
Although vanilla A3 sucks compared to the experience you get from playing with the various mods and addons. I feel if you enable those which force a player to download files that are pretty hefty ( AiA is 8GB for example ) you going to seriously limited your target audience.

However on the plus side, mods such as epoch/overpoch are very popular now, as a result the majority of the player base has had to learn and install the likes of AiA which should hopefully encourage the newer players to get involved.

I know its not rocket science, its pretty much copy/paste exercise but people are laaaaazy.
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Although vanilla A3 sucks compared to the experience you get from playing with the various mods and addons. I feel if you enable those which force a player to download files that are pretty hefty ( AiA is 8GB for example ) you going to seriously limited your target audience.

However on the plus side, mods such as epoch/overpoch are very popular now, as a result the majority of the player base has had to learn and install the likes of AiA which should hopefully encourage the newer players to get involved.

I know its not rocket science, its pretty much copy/paste exercise but people are laaaaazy.


You don't need them to play, they are optional. It is up to you if you download them, you can play without them.
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