New Arma Invade and Annex Server

Cheers guys it's going well, I have upped the amount of slots as I had 30 and it maxed out, so now 40 slots. Had 33 on tonight at one point. I have tons and tons of suggestions and advice that is all very welcome and thank you to every ones input. The first thing I'm going to sort tomorrow is the radio system so that comms improves. Then maybe try a couple of different game modes on a couple of different eves :)

Most feedback is good so far and no one seems to be getting any lag or frame rate issues.
Cheers guys it's going well, I have upped the amount of slots as I had 30 and it maxed out, so now 40 slots. Had 33 on tonight at one point. I have tons and tons of suggestions and advice that is all very welcome and thank you to every ones input. The first thing I'm going to sort tomorrow is the radio system so that comms improves. Then maybe try a couple of different game modes on a couple of different eves :)

Most feedback is good so far and no one seems to be getting any lag or frame rate issues.

Has speed of sound been disabled. I'm sure I was using it over the weekend but I am getting booted now when trying to connect
Cough, cough ;)

Just an early test for Patrol Ops 3.1 for Chern.. Need to build a base at the NW Airfield.. :)

All scripts seem to work ok, missions were appearing. Just need to work out where certain missions are best placed, and remove a few extra selections that apply to Altis and not Chern..

If you want this on your server, then All In Arma Terrain pack has to be enabled on server and client, get it from Six Updater or download from here..

I don't know if the lite pack can be used instead which is only a 1.4 gig download..

What I do know is, that using the terrain pack would stop all the idiots appearing, and attract people who want to play ARMA the way it is meant to be played..
Any word on TFR yet? :D

Hi Guys, My god i was not expecting it to get so popular so fast. Yes the hackers are idiots, But what can you do. TFR will be Live this week its in the Pile of to do. Getting a regular lot now and its quite often full with good people however the Ban list is growing. Surprised how many people actually dont have enough friends they just have to annoy ever one else.

Tonight was a good giggle and Hoping to Sort out a few bits tomorrow as i have a few hours on my hands tomoz.

Now on the hunt for some admins that can be trusted.
Couple of guys called Declan and Stubai need banning. Joined and started to team kill everyone at base.

If you need an admin I'll help when I'm on. Been playing Arma for too long and helped run a few servers before. It's Melbo by the way.

Looking forward to TFR! Addition of VTS was welcomed also.

How much stress is your dedi box on? Could always fire up another smaller one running custom Patrol Ops ;)
Just to say, admin/mod wise if you did need people to help, Xcept1(melbo) and marker are bloody great choices. I could vouch for both of them without hesitation, they know arma inside and out. I have played with them (giggle) on many servers, top lads.
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Yeah, please ban Declan and Stubai, bunch of idiots ruining it last night!!!

Is TFR a server mod which can be played by anyone or is it a mod we need to DL?

Ill second witcher... Melbo and Marker from the OCUK wasteland days... That was a top top server, they would be my choice too!

btw Randall, excellent server, runs brilliant and ridiculously hard AI!! Loving all the enabled mods. Keep up the good work :)
Cheers for all the comments guys :) there is not too much stress on the Dedi box at all really, It does get used for other things but the arma server seems to chew about 20% resources available.

Melbo I will have a chat on TS later mate :)

OK i will try find there ID's and Ban them I need there Steam UID to ban them, or at least that is how i currently ban them. Will look and see what can be done. Its easy to ban them when im on at the time but never done it after an event.
Just use rcon, you can then ban the guids by searching for the player name, it should keep track of all players that have joined so you can ban them after the event. It should also allow IP bans. Just keep rcon running on the dedi box 24/7, you could even run it on your home PC if you wanted as well.
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