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New be here! i'm going from a 6800 to 9800XT

It's very hard for a newbie to get all the numbers straight, especially when they change every other month.
Listen, these numbers are really bloody confusing for anyone.

My own cards have gone from this to that and then to the other, the numbers often dont mean jack to me half the time.

Hell, performance is also a bugger too!

My first real big card was a Leadtek Ti4200 that I got about 3 or 4 years ago, I sold it to a mate to get a 9700Pro. My mate who had the card runs Doom3, Quake 4 fairly well, and is only now thinking of getting a new GFX card. I in the mean time have gone through the 9700 then the 9800Pro, recently I bought a 9800SE assuming it would be acceptable for a few blats on a game, but its poor, just the other week I saw a 5700LE and assuming that it was fairly ok, and knowing the 5200 was on-par wit han MX440 the 5700 should be a small step up only tofind its no better at all. I upped to a 6600GT a few months back fromthe 9800Pro again, only to find that its no faster... No slower either, just abotu the same, so I got a 6800 and guess what? Thats actually slower than the 6600GT! - hells bloody bells.

Ah well, at least my kids keep getting upgrades.

Its like a mate of mine who splashed out just on £200 for a card just to play NFSU2 and guess what? It runs perfectly peachy at 1024x768 on my wifes MX420 and thats in a smegging Duron!!!

There was a mention of UT2K7 earlier on, and I have to say, that even a £20 MX440 will run UT2K4 - ok, so not really at any great detail, and needing 640x480 to be playable, its still a bit better than the 5700LE because the MX440 seems to stay at about 35-40 FPS where the 5700LE goes anywhere between 30 and 90 but drops massivly under load... The little MX dont do that. Oh, and while I am having a moan at the MX cards, I have 3 of the buggers here... The fastest is the 4x 64MB one, whiel the other 2 are 8xAGP and I can hit 9K in 3DMark 2000 on the 4x one, only 6K on both the 8x ones, so there is a lie on the 4x/8x AGP thingy I think for those 2... The 5700LE hits 9K too.

So, for the lower end stuff, where does that leave us?

I really dont know what my next card is going to be because they all run all my games, my 3 main PCs run them at great details, and the kids dotn relly give two hoots and are happy at just 800x600, so I suppose I dont need anything just yet, but hell, in graphics cards alone this year, I have spend over £1500 and I am still no better off than I was last year!

No wonder the missus wants to marry me... Just so she can divorce me!!!!
^ thats what reviews are for tbh

Always research something before buying it, it can save some VERY costly mistakes.
I have gone through a few card myself i admit, but everyone of them has been an upgrade of some sort.

i.e. a 4200 to a 6200 in my other computera little while ago, when OCed the 6200 was a fair bit faster and ended up costing me about £10 for the upgrade as i sold the 4200.
heh, sounds very similar to my progression:

Nvidia GF3ti200
Nvidia GF4ti4200
ATI 9800pro
ATI X800pro
ATI X800XL (swapping from AGP to PCI-e)
2x 7800GTX
Woe confusing indeed, didn't know weather I was coming or going there with all the Rvidias and Nadeons etc :p glad that's sorted.

Hehe, my graphics card progression is not nearly so clean and sparkly as that, starting with my first proper 3D card:

* 3DFX Voodoo 4mb (the first, the one and only, can't complain as I'd not seen anything like it before)

* 3DFX Voodoo 2 12mb (awesome in it's day, nothing could compare really it just tore up Q2 and Half Life)

* Nvidia Riva TNT 16mb (great card, still works today, played Q3 acceptably even)

* S3 Savage 4 32mb (what a dog this was, only really 'bad' mistake I ever made with graphics cards, the TNT was faster most of the time and had drivers that worked)

* GeForce 32mb SDR (yep, one of the very first, had it a few weeks after launch and it was a massive upgrade)

* ATI Radeon 32DDR (bit of a sidestep in speed terms, it was a bit faster than the GF1 but not much, however the image quality was vastly better, whole different leage better infact)

* GeForce 4 TI4200 64mb (great card, had no complains with this one, great upgrade, Nvidia had really improved their IQ by this point and the drivers were good, however the card died on me before it's time :*( )

* GeForce 6800GT (bought this a few weeks after launch to replace the ill fated Ti4200 which died prematurely on me, fabulous upgrade though, it a cost lot but by god was it fast, and it still is) - serves in my 2nd gaming machine

* ATI Radeon X1800XT 512mb (only had this a few weeks and wow, what a card, it benches much faster than the 6800GT but tbh the old 68 wasn't struggling in any games as it was, so except in things like Q4 I am struggling to see much of a performance difference at the minute.... until I start cranking up the AA and AF, then the X1800 really starts to flex it's muscles over the 6800GT, the Image Quality is noticeably better too, which is very nice)
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ooh, this looks fun. Here's mine:

1. Geforce 2mx (useless card, couldn't play anything in 32bit colour, had no AA, could barely play the latest games, lasted me 3 years though!)

2. Geforce 4ti 4200 64mb (I agree, brilliant card, huge leap in performance, 32bit colour and AA :D , and was still using it last week when it finally died during in intense C&C generals skirmish :( )

3. Geforce 7800 gt 256mb (Ordered it yesterday and hasnt arrived yet, so I can't tell if it'll be much better than my last card :p )
Wish my graphics cards could play COD2 at 1280 max, I have to turn AA off, otherwise the fps drop to low 30's & its too stuttery to target. If I did not have a LCD I would play at 1024x768, reckon it would play well at that resolution.
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juno_first said:
Wish my graphics cards could play COD2 at 1280 max, I have to turn AA off, otherwise the fps drop to low 30's & its too stuttery to target. If I did not have a LCD I would play at 1024x768, reckon it would play well at that resolution.

there must be something wrong in your settings if you can't play cod2 at 1280x1024 with AA & AF on with sli 7800gtx's

Am playing COD2 with AA & AF on at 1680x1050 with not problems..
Anything less than 60-90fps (depending on the game) & the motion will not be smooth enough to target properly & this will affect your skill in the game, whats the point in looking good if you can't play good ?.
I find it very frustrating when trying to put the crosshair on the enemy & it stutters.
I wonder how many people blame stutter & lags in games on their VGA cards? when it's some examples it due to a poorly configured system or something similar?
OMG PPL! if you read his first few post you will understand that he set the overdrive on his 9600xt, BEFORE the 9800xt arrived, now the 9600xt comes stock with 500mhz, so 527mhz is not beyond reach.

And although people syaing omg my 7800gtx or whatever runs at 500mhz, you are forgetting you have an extra 20 pipes and god knows how many vertex shaders.
juno_first said:
Anything less than 60-90fps (depending on the game) & the motion will not be smooth enough to target properly & this will affect your skill in the game, whats the point in looking good if you can't play good ?.
I find it very frustrating when trying to put the crosshair on the enemy & it stutters.
You surely must have some kind of system problem if you cant accurately shoot the dreaded hun due to stutters and slowdown, ive played the game thru twice at increasingly harder levels and ive yet to die due to my inability to aim correctly.
I must have a well setup system, or maybe im just good at the game :D
your one of the most confusing people ever :) i thought COD2 was supposed to be intense on the graphics cards? if a 9800XT can play it well that makes me tempted to get one
pegasus1 said:

"I must have a well setup system, or maybe im just good at the game :D"
hehe :)
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