It's the fans. Corasir have just raised the PWM rate to remove the rattling noise which has introduced a higher pitched noise instead. If you hold fans still you can still feel them vibrating.
In the forces we would have called this fix a bodge. Corsair need to realise the stock fans are junk and send out a set of proper SP120 fans to those affected as these work fine.
I'm sure they will come up with some other bios that will just break something else, my faith in Corsair to deliver a product has all but gone if this is the level of testing they do and how they fix.
And people trust their psu's....?
In the forces we would have called this fix a bodge. Corsair need to realise the stock fans are junk and send out a set of proper SP120 fans to those affected as these work fine.
I'm sure they will come up with some other bios that will just break something else, my faith in Corsair to deliver a product has all but gone if this is the level of testing they do and how they fix.
And people trust their psu's....?