NEW DAYZ - Dayz Arma 3 Exile mod (How standalone should have been)

Downloaded this again last night, many of you go on TS/Discord? Dont fancy going at it alone as i reckon most are playing in pairs/groups so i dont stand much of a chance on my own plus its always better to group up.
The video looks great . I enjoyed it really and fair play to him for trying something different to stand out. Still, there will be people expecting that it represents actual game play which is obviously a long way off.

I'm firmly back with Exile now though. Exile Yorkshire - Chenarus at the moment but that server has got a lot quieter recently. Very well run though with some nice modifications
YEah exactly.... Still tho, lets not deny the fact that it is still within Arma and all technically possible!

Look at Vanilla Arma 2.... fast forward to the Epoch, HUGE difference! Arma 3 is starting to come of age! Looking forward to Tanoa! Just hope the servers are large population, otherwise it will be pointless!!
Started playing it yesterday, it's ok, finding my feet though, spent most times getting shot 30 seconds after spawning though. Managed to get some gear then got my face ate off by a zombie. Just need to find some people to play with who aren't ********* and can help me out a bit.
So if i download exile, i will play like he does in video ?

To an extend yes, things like the dogs, the shark etc will likely not be public yet... However the rest is very close to it. I personally don't like the Zombies, they're just more of a nuisance that a joy, which I why I stick to PvP no Z'd servers.

For hits, arma 3 fake role playing video doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

You're missing the point... Its a showcase, pretty much all the decent youtuber's who play arma have lots of setup scenario's ..... there's a big difference between "fake RP" and showcasing!

Started playing it yesterday, it's ok, finding my feet though, spent most times getting shot 30 seconds after spawning though. Managed to get some gear then got my face ate off by a zombie. Just need to find some people to play with who aren't ********* and can help me out a bit.

Has tag Dayz ...... You get shot a lot, learn the avoid, sneak and store... Once you've done that you can start to save up toward building a little base where you can gear up and go hunting/gathering!

You're welcome to join us mate.... Don't have our TS ip on me. However add me on steam and drop me a message: Thegoon84. We've been in since Dayz Vanila, been in and out of Exile recently, waiting for more development (which appears to have gone amazing) and Tanoa map!

Find it so hard to stick to generic shooters since playing RPG/FPS/MMO Exile/Arma haha
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Call it what you like, it's cringey to listen to and all it does it showcase a game that doesn't exist.

Anyone that watches it and then downloads exile thinking that's what they're getting will be bitterly disappointed.
I'll be online tonight probably if anyone fancies teaming on this? Just starting to get back into it after a couple of months break. Excited to see whats new.
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