Sounds.. fantastic! I'm very surprised !
Std maps generally have closed loop lambda control with long term fuel trims that will also apply to wide open throttle so its not really a huge concern.
Just out of interest were you driving on the A13 today at around 2pm?
I'm in West Thurrock quite often mate....
Yea we did a little testing on mine with Hondata and open loop. With only a de-cat the AFR went up to 15.7 from 14.7 on idle.
But thats not a std ECU and you have the fuel trims turned off and idle is such a miniscule amount of airflow minute.
Phate you noisy chav.
Sounds quite nice actually. I'm half considering something aftermarket when I eventually have to change my exhaust, but the CTR is noisy enough as it is. Not sure what I'll do TBH, but one thing is for sure - the wife won't like it if our car sounds like a brass band on wheels.
Did you forget what RPM the limiter's set at?