New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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styles have been editted to try and help - behind the scenes is a flurry of activity bringing in changes, new features and bug fixes - so bear with us whilst we're doing this and it'll be all back to normal in due time :)
I think this has been done really well - release the new forum with some really bad UX elements that can be easily fixed, then when people see it changing to more like the old forum they are happy. If a 'near perfect' forum had been released from the outset people would still have moaned about change.

A deliberate strategy? I don't know, but well played anyway. The forum is a lot better.
Any chance you can make the thread title stand out from the poster - my page is now just full of text whereas before I could easily differentiate between the thread titles etc?
I see things are getting better and better - small fixes here and there to make things nicer. It's growing on me.

Only thing that is a bit weird - when I clicked in to this thread, I was taken to some post, must have been the latest unread one. I couldn't find this in the options. It's a little strange/annoying.

Edit: oh right, it takes me to the latest post that I haven't seen. Quite good actually now that I know what it's doing :P
I agree with the wasted/cluttered space in mobile mode. I browse the forum on mobile (iPhone) maybe 50% of the time and it's not nice at the moment.

I would agree that the main browser mode/version is a priority though.
haven't been here for a while then change........*aaaaarrrrggggggghhhh change run for hills!!!!*

But dam design wise how did the drop shadow go by QA!! Happy that has gone.

Am not going to go into loads of details and haven't read this thread but some things that need a change to me are (all visual mind you!) :

Login and sign up at the top: Needs a move about if possible, as you will just click the advert more often than not... or that part of the plan, more clicks to the shop pages :p.

Quick reply box at the bottom: Needs recolouring, boxing off or something to make it different from the pages. As now it just blends into the thread page and at first I thought it was gone. *typing in it at the moment. Also on this quick reply box in chrome/firefox you could drag the type box larger if needed. Now you can't! Also same in normal reply box.

Type size? : is type size smaller now or just my eyes? ;)

Also on Typefaces: There is Calibri for buttons and Vendena for text, then Tahoma thrown in there too. Could this be changes to one or two typefaces? As Calibri for some buttons look a mess!

Am sure most of things are flagged up or will be altered overtime. Then we can all embrace the changes!

Right back to BF1... ;)
is there a way to mark everything a read, as I'm used to logging on, and even the threads I don't read are marked as read, therefore when I log on again I see what is new. At the moment EVERYTHING is marked as new, which is killing my use of the forums.

Threads I do read are marked as read..
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