New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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seems to have improved a bit from last time I was on so at least its going in the right direction, I'm not sure if I like it yet still though lol but it is better than a couple of days ago
With a forum open there's a 'Last Message' column that shows you get the poster's name and when it was.

On PC with Chrome I can click on the when it happened text and it works as a link and takes me to the last message in that thread.

It doesn't work as a link on iOS/Android or using Edge on PC.

Edit: Just realised that it only works it you're logged on and isn't browser/platform specific.
Can't say I'm a fan of the new style/layout.
Seems to be a lot of wasted space in certain views (yet it still doesn't scale that well on lower resultions for some reason), and it feels like there are less details available on any one view at any given time.
Going for the 'flat' or google design language is all well and good on a mobile, but on larger displays it's just a waste and looks bland. (the old theme may not have been snazzy, but it allowed for a forum that was very easy to navigate and read. With clear distinctions between posts. It was clear and effective, unlike a lot of other forums these days.
Almost seems like the colours are wasted out and making text harder to read/distinguish in places.

I'm sure under the hood there are numerous changes to help make the forum better, more efficient resource use etc. which is good and it does feel pretty quick.

Also, the edit post button really should be located on the right hand side of your post. It is not intuitive (or logical) to have it on the left beside the report button.

Since my observations above, I can see a lot of changes and it does appear to be improving. Still not as space efficient or as easy to read as before (honestly the old 'Forums' > 'Sub-Forum' > 'Thread' text layout was and is still by far the best layout of any of the forum applications, space efficient and worked equally well on mobile when you wanted to view in desktop mode)
The spacing and layout still isn't very efficient making harder to read.

The horizontal blue line between threads really needs to be increased in thickness to 2 or 3 pixels. Readability would be much impoved purely due to the easy to see borders/boundaries.

Also the quick comment box, really could do with a different or darker coloured background to make it stick out more.

Anyhow, keep up the good work. (as someone else said, the change is very like the change to the website. Snazzier looking with some new features, but harder/more awkward to use that the previous version)
It makes everything too difficult. I have to look at peoples usernames and try and remember who they are. With the sigs you can quickly remember.

I used to do that but I noticed that @Von Smallhausen sig was stolen recently, I don't think that should be allowed tbh. Turning them off has eliminated the ambiguity.
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And you lack manners and/or the will to live. I am not going to read a 124 page thread to find the answer. If you can't respond in a non-douche way then don't bother replying at all.
New forum/layout, same old rude you. GG :(

Good to see the changes and tweaks happening to the forum to make it more useable and easy to view - cheers to all those making the changes o./
Hmm... on other tabs I have open the quick comment box is/was a darker colour to the rest but not on this page. Very odd.

Also how are people using a dark theme? Is there just a toggle for dark theme somewhere?
I find it very hard to differniate between the the threads now, its ok when in the topic but when a mass of headings its messy and hard to read.
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