New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Yup, as V_R says, you just forgot the extension.


Looks like Imgur has changed then, as the Share Link no longer includes it?
The 'solid block of light blue' theme in the Watched Threads page is still horrendous from a usability perspective. It strains the eyes as there is little to no definition between the threads other than the barely perceptible darker blue line.

Can't believe this hasn't been flagged as an issue yet.
I am finding the search results page to just be a wall of text. Seems harder than it should be to distinguish elements of a post.

Just me being an idiot?
So ability to choose our avatars being missing is apparently not a bug, but is it something that will be added or not?
i believe not. this makes it clearer what "level" the user is on. before as you progressed you'd be able to chose but meant that a regular user on here could select the newbie avatar. they've fixed that now and i imagine it wont change.

unless you mean choose your own custom any image avatar then that 100% will never be a feature
Avatar thing is a shame. Other fora have a star system for seniority, and the text mafia rank does the same job too. The avatar system is a really useful quick identification feature on most fora. Hope this is up for possible review.

What would good IMO is a choice from black and white gangster images, where you can create and submit your own entries...
it won't be up for review. the only possible review i imagine would be to swap to another theme, but not user choice images.

signatures do what you're saying, though afaik they aren't displayed on mobile?
It's nothing to do with identifying the level of a user and everything to do with de-cluttering. Strict rules have been in place for years (15+) on signatures, and avatars have been locked as part of that too. Some pillocks really took the biscuit with their signatures, all kinds of animations, huge numbers of images because they think they are god's of Photoshop, or retarded amount of content in them (scrolling the equivalent of an A4 page because some plank decides to quote the extended version of their favourite song in their signature, with images in between verses, is never fun and yes, this used to happen on OcUK)

And with custom content of any kind (Inc avatars) comes new rules and with new rules comes new moderating responsibility, and one rule that is always true of the universe is that idiots will ruin it for everyone else by pushing boundaries. Having fixed avatars removes that extra, superfluous responsibility from the moderators.
As DJ Jester says the forum has had locked avatars for around 15 years (I think they've been preset for 17), and we introduced signatures rules due to a wish to keep the forums looking more uniform and having had problems with users who wanted big sigs (either in screen size, or file size, there was a 3mb star wars gif in one at a time when most people were on 56k or at best 512k if lucky, with maybe a gigabyte of system ram).

There is no real need for both customised signatures and avatars, and a signature is more usable for saying who you are than an avatar whilst at the same time the preset avatars keep the forum looking more uniform/neater.

There may come a time when we either replace the current avatars with a new set, or allow users to select which which set they use but I can't see custom avatars happening.
a signature is more usable for saying who you are than an avatar.

although i do agree with what you said, this forum now works great on mobile so i expect mobile use to grow and grow while desktop use reduces. with no signatures on mobile it's very hard to tell who is saying what in comparison to desktop view.

perhaps can it be looked into that sigs are enabled on mobile, or you may find in the future there will be a need to allow custom avatars so users can distinguish who is who on mobile.
I didn't see this in the list - when hovering over a thread link to see a preview of what's in it, the preview only appears above the thread - so if you're near the top of the screen you can't see it.
Threads which have triple digit numbers of pages (100+) aren't displaying correctly i.e. without overlapping RESOLVED

This is still broken for me - the active page overlaps the last inactive page:


Chrome, Windows 10. 125% display scaling if that makes any difference.
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