New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Before I could see how many times I posted in a thread and who else has posted in it. Cannot find that now. Is this feature gone?
Is anyone else finding the forum a bit slow at responding to a click/tap of a thread title? Seems to hang sometimes for a few seconds then load reasonably quickly.
Anyone else have a problem where the scrollwheel doesn't always work? Going back/forward in the same tab doesn't solve the issue, but opening a new tab does seem to solve it.

I'm not sure what is causing the issue, whether it's a forum bug or something I'm doing.

I'm using chrome.
For Members Market where you can only have so many open threads at once, how can you simply check how many threads you started in that specific thread?
As a geek, could you post the server specs and did you have to update the hardware for the new forum software?

With all the "active" elements, how does it fair on resource usage compared to the old software?
As a geek, could you post the server specs and did you have to update the hardware for the new forum software?

Instead of 1 hamster, there are now 2 hamsters, and 5UB watches over them and pokes them with a stick when they begin to tire.
I don't know if it's been mentioned in the vastness of this thread, but would it be lazy of me to want to have a spell checker in the post area. I can spell fairly well but it helps to sort out typos I miss and big words I am trying to use to make myself look educated.
I don't know if it's been mentioned in the vastness of this thread, but would it be lazy of me to want to have a spell checker in the post area. I can spell fairly well but it helps to sort out typos I miss and big words I am trying to use to make myself look educated.

Do you not chrome bro?

Surely there is an extension for whatever flavour of browser you currently are use to
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