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Looks like the 2 character minimum has been removed - Intentionally or?
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Anyone had any issues with stock android browser and SwiftKey keyboard intentionally missing words or letters? Only happens on this forum but is decidedly intermittent and doesn' h all the time but did just happen then.
is there not an easy way to change a setting so when you do a search it orders by newest post in a thread first, or at least total number of replies.
instead of random POS it is atm with old short threads filling several pages and the one you actually want hiding somewhere towards the back.
is there not an easy way to change a setting so when you do a search it orders by newest post in a thread first, or at least total number of replies.
instead of random POS it is atm with old short threads filling several pages and the one you actually want hiding somewhere towards the back.
Still trying to get this.
Anyone had any issues with stock android browser and SwiftKey keyboard intentionally missing words or letters? Only happens on this forum but is decidedly intermittent and doesn' h all the time but did just happen then.
I get it on chrome, but it seems to have been improved to just be punctuation now. Try disabling the rich text editor if it bugs you (little page icon with the spanner, or switch it off in account settings)
Fair enough. I noticed when I accidentally hit post yesterday and it was one char long. Previously there would be a message saying that you havent reached the minimum char threshold or something. :)

Fair enough. I noticed when I accidentally hit post yesterday and it was one char long. Previously there would be a message saying that you havent reached the minimum char threshold or something. :)
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Last time I used android chrome it seemed to completely ignore selecting spelling corrections. The keyboard acted like it had changed it, but the text remained the same.
I don't know when this started happening, but I've only noticed it today. There an 'undefined' next to the date on every post.

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