@Malevolence which Locale/Timezone do you have set under the preferences section
I believe @Matt O'Brien made some changes to this recently
I don't know when this started happening, but I've only noticed it today. There an 'undefined' next to the date on every post.
It happens if you select 24 hour clock in the preferences.
No worries, I remember reading about it in the Mojave thread but it never affected me.
The biggest update to XenForo in a really long time went beta today.
OcUK is on version 1.5.10
The current 1.x version is 1.5.22, so it's quite far behind.
There's some really good new features in the 2.x branch.
A better more friendly mobile style
Retina avatar and smiley updates
Some really good editor upgrades and enhanced message editing
Alerts in the browser tab favicon
Reactions to posts (multiple options, not just like),
Emoji support and a full emoji picker
Better password security options
Better PHP 7.x support
Ability to bookmark posts
Video upload
One click upgrades
Push notifications for desktop and Android.
Plus a ton of other stuff.
It would be a huge upgrade. Hopefully the admins can download the beta and have a look to start working on converting whatever customisations they have over to the new 2.x platform.
It would be nice to get a few reactions on here. There's a lot of posts I'd love to rate as funny, like or react in other ways, but it feels weird and wasteful creating a whole new post just to include a smiley.
Well there is already the ability to like posts but I think the mods conducted a poll on that already and people apparently didn't want it so it remains turned off.It would be nice to get a few reactions on here. There's a lot of posts I'd love to rate as funny, like or react in other ways, but it feels weird and wasteful creating a whole new post just to include a smiley.