New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Download link in sig.

Only thing; just noticed it messes up the darker blue 'title/start date' section across the top of forums.
I do not know whether this is an issue at my end or the boards end,

But the "Refresh" revolving circle in the browser tab (Waterfox) never stops spinning.

Also, Is it possible to change the colour scheme? I am not complaining about it (I like Blue) but, and I suspect that this is as a result of colour blindness, I find it difficult to read and I find different colours easier on the eye. (Surprisingly, since I am R/G colour blind, I actually find Red tones easier)

wheres the black dots in the envelopes for the threads you've posted in?

I might just come back in a few days when its all been ironed out:p
Er, may be a silly question but how do you see if there's been activity in the threads you've been posting in? Before I could just click my name and show recent posts, nothing like that now.

Forum software has come on a LONG way since the dinosaur VB which was in use.

Will be good to see what features are implemented going forward.

Really simple things but they all help to encourage interaction.
On mobile, its near impossible to write underneath a quote when the quote contains an image at the end.

On smaller screens or mobile (possibly in general) the "new" tag covers up the end of the first line of a post.
A rather large issue which i may be being stupid with: I cannot find a way to collapse forum subsections on the front page, i am presented with a wall of forums of which i have no interest in. :confused:

Pretty huge bug/issue?
I know times changes but the new forum design has completely ruined the user experience for me. Seems very busy and a step backwards from the simple, user friendly layout.

I'm sure I'll get used to it :(
I didn't expect it could possibly be this bad.
The funny thing is, anyone with one of more eyeballs could tell that it is degrees of magnitude worse than the old forum (and pretty much any forum still in actual use). How it went live like in this state unfathomabl- oh wait, the web store, nvm.
Er, may be a silly question but how do you see if there's been activity in the threads you've been posting in? Before I could just click my name and show recent posts, nothing like that now.

If the thread title is bold it has new posts.
Under preferences you can enable the ability to watch any threads you start or post in. This will give you alerts in the top right corner.

What's not helping is all threads are currently bold. To help here there is a link top left "Mark Forums as Read"
Oh and where is my damn edit button? :p

Plus each post having three sections and loads of borders and drop shadows looks absolutely horrid and far far too busy.
Got to admit, the JPEG artifacting doesn't help. But looking with Photoshop there is actually a different colour there., it's a 1 pixel wide change either side of the black post border. I can't actually find any reference to that colour in any of the StyleSheets however. I'm not sure what is generating it!
sorry just did a cheap screengrab :p
and it's probably only a thing, that once seen, it cannot be unseen ;)

would it be possible to swap the grey and white OCUK sub forum headers in terms of unread posts?
white would indicate to me more that there is a new post where as grey doesn't!
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