New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Prefer the new quick reply option at the bottom, only really reason to go into 'More Options' is the preview.

What's the 'Trust' option?

Alert's are a nice feature

New post indicator I like

Think it will grow on me like when the website was changed.
Well this is a fugly design.....even Stylish doesn't work! :/
The only design was nice and smooth, this is all boxy and hard on the eyes will all the shadows.
Wow, bit of a surprise when I logged on this morning, I thought the forum hadn't loaded properly! Think it'll take some getting used to. It seems a bit more boxy than the old forum style, in my opinion it doesn't look as neat, the drop shadows and boxes within boxes make it look cluttered and the black reply box doesn't seem to fit. I've also noticed the "New" icon seems to cover text in the post sometimes. However a new version is always good so hopefully can only get better!
Yeah it was a proper shock to the system this morning but I'm finding all kinds of helpful site shortcuts and features (they can bin all the social site media stuff though :) )
Any way to remove the "new" icon with your theme? :p

And the spacing between posts which I don't recall being there before? :p

Copy it from one of the other ones :p

Try this (add it to the theme code);

.message .newIndicator, .onlineIndicator {
display: none !important;

Not 100% if that's the right bit but worth a shot.
First glance looks a bit UGH. Couldnt find the log in button at first it was obscured by the advert top right. Not sure whether IU like it. Forum listing and thread listing looks okay but the threads themselves look odd.

1. why have the user details 3D yet the post is not 3D ? Doesnt look right
2. the posts not being linked together top to bottom and having a gap in between sends my eyes funny. Its like there are too many horitzontal lines. Prefer it either flatter or both in 3d with no gap between the post boxes.
For anyone struggling to accept the new changes these guys can help:

Well there website actually has a design going for maybe we should give them a call to see who did there work.

I mean look at the mess of just this part...who though that was acceptable

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