New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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As predicted, it is horrible.

What has it actually added/improved?

Also, how do you just quite someone or do you always have to now click twice (multi quote + reply).

Seems like another case of change for changes sake without actually adding or improving anything.
As predicted, it is horrible.

What has it actually added/improved?

Also, how do you just quite someone or do you always have to now click twice (multi quote + reply).

Seems like another case of change for changes sake without actually adding or improving anything.
Just press reply to quote
As predicted, it is horrible.

What has it actually added/improved?

Also, how do you just quite someone or do you always have to now click twice (multi quote + reply).

Seems like another case of change for changes sake without actually adding or improving anything.
Just click Reply, next to Quote.
It's here!

/edit - Certain things we're aware of which don't need re-reporting.
    1. Users in MM cannot close their own thread
    2. 20 posts per page default
    3. No spoiler button
    4. No edit button for users
    5. "New" tag overlapping original posts. Quotes are fine
    6. The "you've posted" in this thread icon is no longer there
    7. Drop shadow around user avatar box is gash
    8. Swear filter showing BBcode instead of ****
    9. Font colour change icon could do with some colour. Appears to look like the underline tool
    10. Total number of members not comparable to VB?
    11. Font for upper most menu (username etc) is in Times New Roman
    12. Do we need the RTM forum if RTMs are going to "Reports" anyway?
    13. When the notification pops up to tell you that there's a new alert you can't seem to dismiss it? Clicking on the x just takes you to the top of the page where the alerts are located
    14. A few subforums missing; Wanted, Football Stadium and Cycling in sports etc
    15. No usernotes for users
    16. Some usernames are caught in swear filter when quoted
    17. Only Spie showing as Staff member
    18. Vendor rep / OcUK staff title not showing for respective usergroups
    19. "Most likes" is still a section if you go in to "Notable Members"
    20. No collapsible forums
    21. Threads which have triple digit numbers of pages (100+) aren't displaying correctly i.e. without overlapping
    22. Notification that each forum contains new posts is too subtle - needs colour i.e. OcUK logo
    23. Underbosses not showing in the correct usergroup although avatar is correct
    24. White font on white background when adding or editing a "tag" for a thread
    25. PMs and deleting messages for users is turned on by default
    26. Clicking on the latest post takes you to the latest post, rather than the last unread post
    27. Alerts working on quotes, but doesn't appear to be on mentions.
    28. Dividing line between message body and signature is shifted right, not in line with sig.
    29. Black edit/reply boxes really need to have a blue background, they look really badly out of place.
    30. User titles are wrong in "People you follow". For example, Maccy is a Don, shows as Capo
This list is not exhaustive but please, don't keep reporting them, we know!
The way to view your own threads is a bit backwards, having to go to Username > Profile > Information > Threads, rather than before Username > Statistics > threads

The threads in the thread list are all in the wrong order, and they don't seem to be arranged by most recently updated. No indication as to which threads have had new posts etc in there either. Unless there is something I'm missing?

My main gripe is the functional 'statistics' tab from the old forum not working. I used that as my primary way of navigating threads and checking for posts which had been added and such. Without that working properly it is very difficult to casually navigate the forum.

The alerts for updates in threads you post in isn't a good substitute because the alerts are either too frequent, or just stop working.
I like XF; I wish you'd made the change sooner.


1. My password didn't work and I had to change it.
2. Trust is still borked for me.
3. Other XF fora I use have the Like feature and I'm missing it here.
Actually quick edited my own post to clean it out of all the borders shadows etc, let the colours do the work, no need to hand hold where we are supposed to click everywhere!

The way to view your own threads is a bit backwards, having to go to Username > Profile > Information > Threads, rather than before Username > Statistics > threads

Can't you use the "Watched Threads" and "New Posts" links - between those two that should cover everything you have commented on that has been updated, and any new threads created since last log in.
Not sure if it's a 'bug' but Threads with the OP and 1 reply, show as 'Replies: 2'.

I'm sure that's just one reply, the OP shouldn't be counted.
As predicted, it is horrible.

What has it actually added/improved?

Also, how do you just quite someone or do you always have to now click twice (multi quote + reply).

Seems like another case of change for changes sake without actually adding or improving anything.

You just click reply, it auto quotes.
Not sure if it's a 'bug' but Threads with the OP and 1 reply, show as 'Replies: 2'.

I'm sure that's just one reply, the OP shouldn't be counted.
Okay, ignore me. It seems it does work as it should, I can just no longer find the one which was confusing me :D
Can't you use the "Watched Threads" and "New Posts" links - between those two that should cover everything you have commented on that has been updated, and any new threads created since last log in.
Neither of those do what I'm after. If I use watched posts, I have to check the box which automatically 'watches' any thread I create or post in. That means I get alerts every time anyone posts in them, and there is no way to filter for just threads by me, and just posts. Have to do both jumbled together.

'New posts' shows all new posts on the whole forum, not just in threads I've posted in.

e; OK I can view the posts by selecting 'Your content', however the threads by me list is all jumbled up and out of logical order. I have to dig through them to find the recent ones.

e2; In the Your Content view, there is still no way to tell which threads have new posts in. Like we used to have with the grey, red, and yellow envelopes.

e3; OK now I've changed the alert settings so I can effectively use the watched threads view without the constant notifications, but this renders the practice of watching/subscribing to threads pointless, because they will now be buried under all the threads which are auto-followed when you post in them... :(
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