New forum! Post bugs & errors in here *CHECK FIRST POST FOR ISSUES FIRST - P.S. THE MM IS OPEN*

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Honestly, people need to stop using this response. If your website needs to be messed with by the user in order to not look awful then it needs sorting out. If the dark theme is better then it should be the default skin.

It's what we like to call a workaround, until the root cause is fixed.
Don't take it the wrong way - I say the following as a "mean jest":
I think, if for once the start point for the 'changes' at OCUK was something semi decent - people would have higher hopes for the "slight issues dealt over time" element. But as it is - when you change old for new, and the new, despite weeks of testing, is buggy like Windows Vista, looks like it was designed by a teenage Windows 10 fan on 'fiver' and several Tampermonkey script githubs are started within hours from launch - then how does that saying go - "you cannot czechoslovakian the trud" or something like that? ;)

We don't know if the release was intentional. Judging from Dave M's first post in this thread, it was an accident.

Also, the mod team have been testing a version of the forum which had a lot of these known bugs removed.. likewise the "OP" next to the OP isn't active like it was on our version which suggests to me that there have been changes made/not carried over to the final release.

It'll be fixed :)
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It appears to be for people who have no signatures. The buttons anchor to the "top" of the foot of the message (which is higher where there is no signature).

I think those buttons should always be static within the box, always anchored at the bottom of the post below signatures or no signatures, life is too short to hunt for "where TF is that reply button in this particular post" on the forums.
Same goes for "post new thread" button. Should always be in the same place, and that place is top of the thread list, to the left (where the stupid page numbers are now). vBulletin had it right, xenforo has it in "arabic" reverse.
These are good, the Xen WIP isn't perfect but its much better than stock. :)

I'm sorry but the design team for this needs to be shot....
The Xen WIP is great.First time I've ever felt the need to install a theme on this forum...

Did the same people who did the shop do this? Would explain a few things.
The difference between this new format and the old format is night and day on mobile devices! Excellent.

Desperately needs a dark theme though. That's always been an extremely highly requested feature literally because it is too bright in this blue for many eyes.

If you post a comment it appears at the bottom of the page that you're currently on rather than fast forwarding you to the last page. I actually like this because you don't have to then press back on your browser and find where you were.
This is a list of most basic things I personally want from a forum, rather than spell out a whole list of things wrong with the updated forums.

1. Main forum list, want the colours/text/bolding to be such that I can "at a glance" immediately tell if a forum has had new posts since the last time I visited the site. It would help if the OCUK "vroom" icon colour wasn't arse about face as it is now, i.e. greyed vroom icon against bolded "new" posts forum titel, and bright white icon against unbold no new posts forum title.

2. Thread list. Again, want at a glance indication which posts are new since last visit, achieved by bold text as before, OK. Am personally only interested to see thread titles in the list, would prefer minimal extra info below the thread title. This helps scanning for titles of interest. In the old forum you only had the name of the poster below the title, and pages after the thread title itself. Now you have the name + thread start date + pages in one line under the title, and these can end up dominating the actual thread title depending on the length this info text ends up taking. This takes up much more screen space than before and makes vertical scanning more difficult. Would personally prefer it if date info was shifted into a column, and page in line with the thread title as before. Seems to be a column title there for it already but not actual column.

3. Need the icon back which shows which threads I have posted in posted in before.

That pretty much covers the main things. Of these #2 is the one I would prioritize if it was me.
How much will I laugh if Roady finds multi-quote is broken. :D
post 6745 - MQ functionality confirmed.
****! :p
You had ONE JOB forum admins. ONE JOB.
I think more hamsters are needed to cope with everyone on 100 posts per page (unless it's just my connection gone slow??)
Dread to think what it's going to be like on my 35mbps fibre at home, if this speed is dictated by connection (100mbps leased line @work)! :eek:;)
1) It all feels very wide. I don't like having to read all the way from the left of my screen to the right.
2) If somebody doesn't have a sig, the Report, Trust, +Quote and Reply buttons seem to float quite high up in the box on the right rather than sitting at the bottom. MooMoo444's post above is doing this for me.
3) I tend to browse the forum without logging in. By default, I used to be able to see sigs and avatars. I'd prefer this to be the case still.
4) Where it says "free shipping for loyal customers..." underneath the advert in the top right, it's so close to the box below that the P's in shipping get cut off.
4) Where it says "free shipping for loyal customers..." underneath the advert in the top right, it's so close to the box below that the P's in shipping get cut off.

Also noticed this, and that the "Login or Sign Up" are to tight to the advert for the chairs. The whole banner height along the top appears too small.
This is a list of most basic things I personally want from a forum, rather than spell out a whole list of things wrong with the updated forums.

1. Main forum list, want the colours/text/bolding to be such that I can "at a glance" immediately tell if a forum has had new posts since the last time I visited the site.

2. Thread list. Again, want at a glance indication which posts are new since last visit, achieved by bold text as before, OK.

Both of these things are happening right now. In fact, most people complaining about how everything in new theme is bold, complain because they see forum for the first time ie. everything on this forum is new, therefore bold.

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