*** NEW Fractal Design Case - Coming Soon ***

By the way I contacted Fractal Design re: spare side panels and they referred me to a 'silent' competitor who will sell them for £8+vat +postage. PM me for details.

I would really like to know this too but I don't see any PM options :(
Is my post count too low for messaging?
Think I have a problem!... I have this case, an I7 d0 920 and a Gigabyte GA-EX58UD5..... and an H50. But the mother board doesn't fit and I think its the back plate from the H50. Anyone else got this set up, am I doing something wrong or is it because of the cut-out on the back not being quite big enough?!

Bits of 'puter all over my floor, mother board out of box and case... GGrrrr

I think you missed post #630 of this thread - Comment made by Bulldog147. Check this out.
What are you using the side panels for? Making a window it would look pretty sweet but at the same time it kinda ruins the point of this case, maybe double glazing :)
ok one last question
I want to use the fan controler that came with the case, where do I plug the 4 pin molex into... cant see any connector on my MOBO...
You can plug it into a normal 3pin fan connector. There should be 2 or 3 of those on your mobo, and they're usually white.

What are you using the side panels for? Making a window it would look pretty sweet but at the same time it kinda ruins the point of this case, maybe double glazing :)

I haven't ordered one yet, but I reckon a small window shouldn't do too much harm as long as you leave the dampening material on the uncut areas.
Doh! that sucks as I dont have a molex connector on my psu...
I have a conveter which goes from molex to 4 pin, and theres a 4pin fan slot spare on my mobo. will this not work?, does it need to go into the psu.. I also have a molex to psu converter too... (not sure what the psu end connecter is called.. its a block of 6 :D)
ok dumped the fan controller for the time being.. its to big to fit in one of the rear expansion slots so im guessing it should be in the front?
Anyhoo, I'vs used a fan splitter, and now im installing windows 7 on my first ever build!

Cheers all, couldn't have done it without this website.. let you know when Im up and running!
Your PSU doesn't have any molex connectors? I assumed that they all do!

The idea is that the 3 fans get their power directly from the PSU, which is then regulated by the controller. I've also used the red splitter to power 2 fans directly from the motherboard, but because the third wire isn't connected you can't monitor the speed.
I didn't have enough pins on my motherboard for all the fans. The back one, one of the top ones and one from the front plug in, whilst the second top and front ones go into the controller which I have hidden into a hard drive bay.
Here is my effort, needs abit more tidying, just fitted the corsair H50 CPU Cooler as a replacement to my tuniq tower 120.



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